=============> Be Karkat Vantas

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your name is karkat vantas, and you are currently waking up.

you are waking up in a bed clad in tacky red sheets, laying between a certain nerd and a certain coolkid. you glance up at the clock and holy fucking fuck its late. you expected to sleep in some, given the previous night of movies, board games, and some choice physical activities, but 12:27pm is too late, even for you.

you sit up, bringing the static-ridden sheets with you, and john shifts at the chill breeze. glaring around the room, you take in the damage. not much, some upturned chairs here, some suspicious stains there. the usual. you turn your attention back to the boys at your sides. you place a hand gently on the boy in blues warm cheek, and likewise for the shirtless albino. you lightly squeeze johns face, calmly rousing him from his light sleep. he opens his eyes, and sits up gently, leaning into you. hes warm and soft and everything good. you move your right hand from his cheek the the back of his neck, and pull him up for a light kiss.

you release him smoothly, and point to dave. john looks over your shoulder as you mercilessly slap him awake. He jerks awake with a jolt and a cracked, "WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK" as you hold your unbreaking gaze on his linen-lined face. john sits up straighter, energized by a soft peal of laughter, and you bring dave into the world of the living with a sultry "i love you, strider", heavy with sarcasm. sure, you love him, but your feelings fall more on the black side, with all the competitions and horseplay between you two. on the other hand, john, was red through and through. Dave wastes no time, and retaliates with a swift punch to your chest. you give a low laugh, and shift to him, shoving his shoulders. his next move is to grab the hair on the back of your head and mash your mouths together. lips open, and tongues makes appearances with little to no delay.

john's slight giggles gave way into a nervous huff, as he knew how fast this can and do often progress between you and dave. he slowly and shyly crept a hand up your side, grazing your grubscars, as a reminder he was there, too. you pry strider's needy hands from your skull and turn to face john. you move your legs from a criss-crossing to a full on straddle, bordering on scandalous, as youre only wearing a thin pair of boxers and one of dave's old torn up hello kitty shirts. you hold out a hand for john to hold, and as he grasps it, you pull him towards you and lean with him over you, back into daves bony chest and stomach. you grasp john's shoulders, and dave bends an impossibly long way to lick at your horns while john and you tie tongues.

daves always been weird like that. you cant actual feel anything in your dumb nubby horns, and they were only really needed in grubhood, but hes got some form of alien-body-part-fetish and has never gotten over your anatomical..."differences" but youre not one to talk. you havent been able to get enough of human bodies ever since youve been introduced. john's the only one of you who seems indifferent to everyone's anatomy, hes always happy with whatever comes at him, as long as hes on bottom.

your brought back into the present by a surpressed moan, as john slides his warm hands up daves pale, scarred torso.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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