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Featuring an AU I made up…


Basically... Words!AU
Where words are personified people and they have the personality of the word they have or at least what it represents.

So example:
The articles a, the, and an. There might be a huge population of them and they might be the type to go to the newspaper department of the world and make newspapers.

Another would be alleviate which means to relieve of physical and mental pain. So that person might be the chill type and probably work at a salon or something.

I'm not entirely sure if it applies to all. Also, the population of each word equals the amount of times it's being used in daily living. So words that aren't being used often are the rare ones. The seniors would probably be old English texts and teens would be slangs.

Patton could be Morals and Logan could be Ethics. They practically butt heads almost all the time you could never put them in the same room. Their jobs are one of the most important, especially Logan's. Since morals is taking over ethics now, the increasing number of Morals are overpowering Ethics. Ethics is dying. Literally. Logan will never know when he might drop dead.

As you know, Patton is Morals. There are quite a number of them as morals grow and grow. They side with Equality and others but sometimes they also side with Ethics.

Logan is Ethics. Patton and he fight often than not. He sides with Facts and Statistics. Sometimes they side with Morals.

Roman is Equality. Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows 25/8!! You can never see him without anything rainbow or anything that represents himself, Equality. He wears his name high and proud but treats everyone with the same amount of respect. The only fault he ever has is that he could be a bit too egotistical at some times.

Then there's Virgil, who wears his name by the sleeve as well: Breakdown One would mistake him for Depression or even Sadness by his behavior but it's just that he has anxiety.

(Idk, I'm thinking-)

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