<6> Nobody Knows

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Ehh.... some 2young here :) if you don't like, just skip..

<What only I knew, but now you do too...>


Yugyeom pushed Bambam into the taxi, Youngjae trailing behind. He struggled, pulling out his phone to call Mark.

He waited and waited, but didn't get an answer. Bambam swung his legs over Yugyeom's in the cramped taxi, making it even more difficult for him to make a call.

"Mr, please take us to xxx xxx, thank you."

Yugyeom was the only sober one. Well, tipsy, but not as wasted as Bambam and Youngjae.

"Hyung~" Youngjae whined happily, slapping Yugyeom's shoulder.

"Ya!" Yugyeom whisper shouted.

"Ya?... YaH! Kim Yugyeom!" Youngjae slurred, realising he was looking at Yugyeom. "Ya! You aren't hyung..."

"I'm not, now shut up!" yugyeom retaliated. Youngjae huffed and glared at Yugyeom

"Tsk, how dare you. You are not hyung so you can't..." He stopped glaring at Yugyeom, looking straight forward instead, pointing at nothing. "cannot-"

"Oh shit... I think I forgot something..." He mumbled.

"Hyung~! I forgot something!"

"For fucks sake, you are the eldest here, you idiot!" Bambam swore as he moved to lean on Yugyeom's shoulder.

"Where's Jin- Oh!" His eyes open wide in realisation.

"Oh.... Oh no no no no no... He said not to drink too much... Oh no... Yugyeom! What do I-"

"For now just shut up, please..." Yugyeom begged. "God please save me..." he mumbled.

Bambam sighed and played with Yugyeom's fingers, totally drained of energy.

"This hyung... He doesn't get drunk easily... but when he does... he's fucking scary..."

Yugyeom nodded in agreement, trying to call Jackson, who also didn't pick up. "Shit," he mumbled.

Youngjae cocked his head in confusion, but suddenly smiled brightly.

"I'm gonna sleep! That's good?"

"Yes please," Yugyeom said, brimming with tears as Youngjae also leaned on his shoulder, falling asleep quickly.

Fortunately, the rest of the ride was quiet and they reached their house quickly. Yugyeom paid the fees and thanked the driver, apologising for being noisy earlier. He opened the door and pushed Youngjae out. Youngjae stumbled onto the floor as Yugyeom stepped out, carrying Bambam with him.

"Hyung... get up please... I can't carry 2 people... Please...?" Yugyeom begged Youngjae, but he didn't budge.

Just then, their front door burst open, revealing Jinyoung. He rushed over and panicked, a little, asking why Yugyeom hadn't called him earlier.

"Weren't you going to London?"

"Yeah... My flight is in 3 hours, I was just going to leave..." Jinyoung explained, picking Youngjae up, bridal style. "Do you know what time it is?"

Yugyeom Shook his head.

"It's 3 in the morning you idiot..." Jinyoung sighed as they made their way back into the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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