Part A

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Hello! This is a simple part A & B short story, so I hope you like it. Not much shipping in here, other than mentions of Cecilos... Please let me know what you think :) Who knows... if you guys like it, I might add some more adventures... (I do not own that fanart; I found it on tumblr, all rights to fanart go to


"Everything happens for a reason. Except, of course, the things that don't. Then, they are pointless.

"Welcome... to Nightvale."


"So get this," Sam said, straightening up in his his chair, and swivling his laptop around to face his older (and shorter) brother. "There's a town called Nightvale, and people are claiming to see angels everywhere."

"Are they doing anything?" Dean asked. "Any weird murders or something?"

"Well, no, but-"

"Then it's not our problem." The elder Winchester took a large bite out of his bacon cheeseburger and raised an eyebrow at his little brother. "I said look for a case, not research the angel problem. I'm sick of 'em, Sammy. Let's hunt a windigo or something."

Sam pulled a bitch face, and pointed at the screen of the laptop. "A five headed dragon is running for mayor."

Dean choked. "What?"

"His opponent is...," he turned the laptop to face him again as he scrolled down the page, "...'the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home.'"

"Are they nuts?" Dean asked, setting his burger down, and leaning forward. "I mean... they've gotta be nuts."

Sam shrugged. "I don't know, but I think it's worth checking out."

Scoffing, Dean forced down the rest of his burger (because you can't let greasy food like that go to waste), and stood up, nodding. "Which which way to Nightville?"

"Nightvale is a desert community in Arizona, so at least a three hour drive." Sam dropped a tip on the table, and gathered his things.

"Well then, let's go." Dean smirked and walked out, jangling his keys the whole way.


"Hello, listeners. Two strangers arrived in Nightvale today. They were driving an old, black car that has obviously been taken care of, but most definetly has seen better days.

"The driver of the car was tall, but compared to his companion, short. The tall strangers hair is long and nearly perfect. Carlos' hair is by far much more perfect.

"It's unclear what the two are doing here, or even how they got here. But, dear listener, they look like men on a mission.

"More as this story develops."


"What the hell is this?" Dean asked, staring at the radio that had been playing his favorite ACDC cassette.

"I think we picked up the local radio show," Sam stated, furrowing his brow. "But weren't we listening to-"

Dean flipped the switch, changing stations.

"Eleven... forty-two... fifty... seven..."

The brothers stared at the radio. The monotone voice continued to splutter seemingly random words, never missing a beat.

"We've been here two minutes," Dean said, "and I've already had enough of this town."

Sam nodded, glancing out the window. In the distance, he could see a blinking red light. They drove next to a dog park, but the sign attached to the fence made him think otherwise; NO DOGS ALLOWED was printed everywhere, and the younger brother could have sworn he saw a dark hooded figure.

Brothers in NightvaleWhere stories live. Discover now