Chapter 1

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Everyone was silently doing the work that Mr Choi set us. The class was filled with the sounds of pens scribbling on a paper.

Suddenly a loud knock echoed through the class and the teacher immediately stood up and answered the door. After he saw the person who caused the loud noise he stepped out of the class leaving all of the students confused as no one was able to see who stood on the opposite side of the doors. We also weren't able to hear them speak which caused even greater confusion to us.

Mr Choi opened the door once again, this time looking at us as he quickly excuses himself as he had to step outside of the class for some reason. After he disappeared from the class once again I looked at my friends sitting near me, everyone was equally confused by the given situation, no one knew what was happening. Whole class was silently asking one another if they know the reason, however after no one said anything one by one we went back into doing our work for this lesson.

After couple of minutes Mr Choi came back to the class, a petite girl was following him. Once the teacher moved to his table the girl just stood there next to him while the entire class including me had their eyes glued to her.

The girl just stood there, her uniform messy which annoyed me a lot, why couldn't she just wear it like the other students. Her deep brown eyes scanned the class until they landed on someone near me. I turned in that direction. There sat Hyunjin, looking at the girl with a smile on his face. I wonder if they know each other, he never spoke about any girls now that I think about it.

"Class 1-2" Mr Choi looked at us "Meet your new class mate, Kang Mina." He pointed at the girl beside him.

"It's Hwang. Hwang Mina" She corrected the teacher, does this mean she and Hyunjin are siblings? The question filled my head and I began to recall all the times I've been at Hyunjin's house trying to remember if anyone from his family ever spoke about anyone called Mina. Nothing came up to my mind. Suddenly I hear my name being called out which brings me back to the classroom. 
I see the girl walking in my direction. I began to sweat, heart beating faster, hands began to shake. However in the last moment she turned and took a sit in between me and Hyunjin. The pair instantly smile at each other.

Throughout the lesson I tried to ignore them however their constant laughter interrupted my learning, I couldn't concentrate or thing straight with her beside me. This will be hell.

Once the bell rang signalling the end of the lesson everyone started to pack their bags. I walk outside the class, since now we have a break I make my way towards the school's cafeteria. I meet my friends on the usual table where some of them are already waiting. I greet them with a smile on my face and we began talking about everything.

"Sup guys!"Hyunjin sat on his usual place next to him stood that girl "Guys this is Mina, she's my twin sister" He patted her on head to which she slapped him in the arm.
Everyone happily greeted her and introduced themselves.
"So why didn't we know you had a sister?" Asked Chan, everyone looked at Hyunjin asking the same question.

"Well she used to live in England with our mum after she divorced my dad" he scratched the back of his neck "And well it just never came up. Mina just moved back to Korea like a week ago, that's why she's starting this semester so late" he smiled at the end of the sentence. Everyone seemed okey with the answer which was given. But some things didn't add up like why did she move back here.

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