Chapter 3

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During lessons no one has seen Mina. Everyone was worried especially Hyunjin, I mean they are siblings so obviously he's worried about her. Everyone from out friend group was searching for the new girl in school but we all failed.

"Hey, don't worry we will find her" said Jisung with calming voice to which Hyunjin only shook his head. "She's new to the town she's probably lost somewhere or even worse." He looked into the distance, worried look painted on his face.

"If we all look separately, we might find her faster." Minho told us his idea. We all looked at each other and nodded, silently agreeing with his idea.

Everyone went in their separate directions hoping to find the blue haired girl. It shouldn't be that hard right? The town is pretty small and with her light blue hair it's easy to spot her. I gave myself a little motivational speech and continued the search.


While walking through the town I noticed a small park nearby, out of interest I make my way in that direction hoping to find some quiet place.

As I was walking through the park I saw swings and decided to head in their direction. I sat on a sit and lightly push my legs so the swing could move at least a little bit. I dangle my legs and just stare at them in silence. I began to think about my past.

At those thoughts my vision began to get blurry, I felt warm liquid traveling down my cheek. I wipe the tears away with the back of my sleeve and hope that no one saw this, even if there was only couple of people in the park.

"Mina is that you?" A deep voice startled me causing me to jump a little bit. I look up to see the owner of the voice and I spot one of Hyunjin's friends.

"Oh, Felix. Hey" I send him a small smile. "Mina, do you know that Hyunjin is very worried about you? Hell even the entire group is worried." He said while taking out his phone, probably to message my brother saying that he found me.

"I didn't think about that, sorry. Guess I'm just not used to having people worried about me" I scratched the back of my neck while awkwardly laughing. Felix just looked at me weirdly.

"You should probably go back home" he sat on a swing next to me. I just looked at him. "What even is home anymore" a bitter laugh left my mouth. "I don't really belong here and it's not me who wanted to move back to Korea, I was happy back then." I turned my gaze to the sunset. "Then why did you move here?" He asked, his voice filled with curiosity, he waited there looking at me until I answered him. "Certain circumstances forced me to" I looked into his eyes. He had a puzzled look on his face while looking at me. He wanted answers to his own questions but I guess he didn't expect my answer, from his look I can see that my answer created more questions in his head.

"Anyways, lets go I'll take you to Hyunjin's" he send me a very bright smile, I couldn't help but return the kind gesture. He stood up from his swing and started walking in direction of my new house. I quickly followed his steps.

The walk towards my house was spend in silence, we both were too awkward to even look at each other. Every time I looked at him from the corner of my eye, he was either flapping his arms awkwardly or stomping his feet weirdly. He was paying so much attention to his arms flopping in different directions that he didn't notice the pole ahead of him, I myself noticed it too late so he walked right into it. Silently saying sorry to the pole as his face began to get red.

"You know you just apologised to a pole?" I lightly laughed at him. "Metal poles have emotions too, don't be so mean to everyone and everything" he looked at me with straight face, however after couple of minutes he also burst out laughing while rubbing his forehead due to the contact with the metal pole, it must've hurt.

I get closer to his face and look at his forehead. I can see a little, red bump forming. Then our eyes meet. From the corner of my eye I can see his ears getting slightly red. After realising that I'm holding his face very close to mine I quickly let go. "You shouldn't get a bruise, don't worry no one will know about your little encounter with a metal pole" I awkwardly smile at him. "Th-Thanks" He stuttered while still looking into my eyes.

After that we continued to walk to my home but this time comfortable silence was surrounding us.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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