the mermaid and her alpha

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chapter 1

crescent's pov

my name is crescent I am 17 the last of my mer kind. I am a crest mermaid. crest mermaids eyes. change the Color with there mood. when in in a normal mood my eyes are bright purple. my tale is all different colors. red blue pink black purple green any Colorado that's a mood that's the color of my tale. see we have a special power that when are killed by any one or anything they get the power to walk on that make fire earth and water move.

when I was born my father and mother did everything to protect me.

but they died doing it. my brother takes car of me now. his name is mark he is 20 with blond hair that he wears in a Mohawk. we had to ho to land where I would be safe. but we have yo leave because a werewolf pack has found out about us and me. so we are moving to California.

a week later

finally I said to mark as we go of the plane.

my blond long hair that goes to my thigh is a ratty mess and my eyes finally are back to purple. they were red because some kid kept kicking mu seat.

Mark put sun glasses on me andsaid it would be best people don't see my eyes change.

On the way to the new house all I could think is what will I do without my best friend will.

Will and I have been friend for 10 years. We had this big group of friends and we would go to the mall and town square with them and do flash mobs it was our thing but all I can think is I will not be able to do that with him any more.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my bother said were here.

The house had two story's and was painted wight.

I got out of the car really fast just to see it. That's when I saw a guy

Across the street. He had brown hair that looked kind of messy but

You could tell that that's how he wanted it and he hat bright green.

We stood there for a minute or so tooking at each other.

I guess my brother took that as a opertunety to scare the

Crap out of me. He came up behind me and screamed. Witch

Lead to my screaming. I turned around and punched him in the arm.

What was that for I said.

Oh just to get my baby sister to stop staring at the hot guy across the street.

Befor I could say anything back he pulled me into the house.

hey guys tell me what you think

this is my first story so its not the best sorry about that

but I'm trying and sorry if anything is spelled wrong

read vote comment or how ever that goes

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