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Creative Writing
'Write about something unexpected'

Prompt - set in a dystopian future
(e.g. The Hunger Games)

" '...the beast before me had transformed - although strangely enough it was his face that had changed and not his entire body - and now belonged to a middle aged man who had no recollection of the past events he had participated in. It was then that I realised, he was Wessen, and what he had just performed was known as a Voge.

The word Wessen originates from Germany, but is pronounced with a V and not a W as some people mistakenly say.

Wessen are mythological creatures whose origins are unknown to normal beings. Unlike Grimms - the few select beings that are able to see these creatures for who they are - other people cannot see these changes unless it is intended. This is extremely rare as Wessen tend to hide their emotions, which is what causes them to Voge in the first place. After losing control of their negative emotions, whether this be anger, sadness etc, their faces have the ability to change into weird and wonderful creatures of all kinds -' " Jack slumped back in his chair as the new information sank into his already muddled brain.

A frown etched itself between his blackened eyebrows as he attempted to comprehend what he had just read. Scrutinising green eyes fumbled over the scrawl on the tattered pages as he repeated the detailed entry he had found in his grandmother's caravan. Although, he was growing suspicious of its contents with every passing second.

What the hell had he just found?

Bitten fingernails toyed with the strands of thick, dark hair resting on his forehead before he dragged them down his stubble-littered jaw in frustration.

"Why on God's Earth would she have this?" Jack muttered to himself in bewilderment, brushing away impatiently a loose strand from his overcoat that had previously been tickling his cheek.

A short, sharp series of raps on the door of the caravan pulled him from his addled thoughts.

Grumbling under his breath, he pushed himself up and strode over to the door before opening it and letting it fall against the outside wall. He was met with a panicked Monroe, who was an old friend of Jack's.

Barging past Jack in the doorway, Monroe began pacing agitatedly in the caravan.

"Monroe-" Jack began, but stopped himself as he noticed something odd happening to his friend's appearance.

Unbeknownst to Monroe, Jack realised he was shifting in some way.

And then it clicked, a lightbulb going off above his head.

Jack Griffins was a Grimm.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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