King of the Hill (prologue)

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It was cold, very cold, and there was snow everywhere. It was 2015, the infamous blizzard in Boston was in full force. A boy, fifteen years old is reading about a hero of his. The boy's name was Daniel Reynolds. The book he was reading was called, "The life and legacy of one Funny Valentine". It chronicled the 23rd president of the united states, Funny Valentine who mysteriously vanished during the famous Steel Ball Run race of 1890.
Danny by his friends, the teen read all about the president and his accomplishments. He wanted to be just like him, a righteous man, standing up to justice and the American way. Growing up in Boston, he grew an appreciation for the American way of life and being a president yourself seemed like a great way to fully enact the American way and all that he deemed patriotic.

February, Valentine's Day

Daniel was shoveling his driveway, the snow was letting up and he could see 10 feet in front of him.
"Alright! Finally!" He was finally finished, and about to head inside when he heard a yell. "Hey!" It was a kid being harassed by a bunch of bullies near a small dumpster. "Where's your mommy now? Shes not here to report me this time!" The bully was mostly shaven with some rough patches here and there. His head was buzz cut and his posse were quietly watching.
Danny was sickened by the sight. Assault was a crime and he didnt want these hooligans getting away with it.

Pulling his gloves tighter, Danny walked over, determined. "Hey, you bastard's, leave the poor kid alone! What'd he do?"
The bully looked over. "Get lost, asshole, you're not involved with this." Danny recognized the bully, Chris Reagan. Constant disruptor for the class, infamous for being held back twice. He was an absolute giant.
"It has everything to do with me! Assault is against the law, I'll have to report you." Danny took out his phone and started dialing.
Chris knocked the phone away. "It's justice warriors like you that make me wanna throw up". He kicked the downed kid and pushed Daniel down. "Take care of the squealer, I've got Hero." Danny was petrified; he didn't want to get hurt he just wanted to go home. He covered his face. "Leave me alone! Leave me alone!" Silence... Danny uncovered his face and saw Chris all blue and his posse too. The kid was horrified like he'd seen a spirit. Danny got up. He looked at Chris who wasn't moving anymore. "What did you do?" The kid asked. Danny ran home; he didnt want to be in this situation anymore, he just wanted to go home and he did.

Years pass it's 2021. Danny is in college, majoring in political science.
This is where our story begins.

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