Self Discovery

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Class was over and the air was still with dread. Daniel was twenty one years old and was just leaving class. Another great day. It was June and the weather was quite cool today. "What a beautiful day", Danny said cheerfully. He's had an amazing life these six years; too of his class, champion of the debate team, and class president every single year. He walked to Boston common taking in the sights. This beautiful city was where his love of America began and he owed it everything.
He planned on being mayor someday so he can be senator and then finally president. He made it to Boston common; here he saw some people painting, going on duck boats and just generally walking. Danny breathed in the beautiful air and went to sit on a bench. He pulled out a small book and started reading. He was halfway down the page when he saw something strange out the corner of his eye. A man was sitting down on the bench opposite of him and he had some sort of creature above his shoulder. It was beast like in appearance; somewhere between a man and a lion, it looked at him and growled. The man looked at Danny and payed no attention to the creature over his shoulder, the creature dissapated before Danny's very eyes and the man leaned forward. "You didn't see that, did you?"
"Uh, see what?" Danny stammered. For some reason he was afraid of this man, but he didn't know why, he should be afraid of that monster instead. He got up and and felt a hand grab his arm, turning around the saw the lion grabbing him and he was thrown 10 feet away, "ahh!"

"I never knew there were stand users in Boston. How many are there?!" The man said.
"What are you talking about?! What is that thing?!" Danny was deathly afraid now, he tried to call for help, but he noticed that no one was around them. He had chosen a part of the common where there wasn't a lot of foot traffic. "Don't you know what a stand is?" The man stood up now. "Well I can't let you interfere. You don't know about stands so at least you can't defend yourself. Especially against my Roar." The lion, called Roar picked up Danny by the head. He began punching over and over again right in his face. Danny was a bloodied mess. He had no idea why he was attacked, he was assaulted...this man was breaking the law.
Danny scowled. "Sir..I am going to ask yoj turn yourself in to the police. You are breaking the law." The man laughed. "Stupid kid. Roar has a special ability that makes him roar so loudly that his victim's head explodes. Only you will be able to hear that. I call it the EAR DRUM BASH"
Danny smiled. "That sounds retarded. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Daniel Reynolds. I am the embodiment of the American dream. I worked my way up the political ladder to achieve thag dream and I'm not letting some low life criminal to end that! Take my AMERICAN DREAM"
Then out of his own body a turquoise colored creature jumped out of his body. It was small, one foot, with horns on its head. It had eyes the shape of hearts and a long tensile tail. It lunged at the man and froze his arm.
He grabbed his arm, purple and limp, Roar's arm was also limp, letting go Danny. He looked at his stand. "What are you?" The stand looked at him and purred. Danny felt a sense of familiarity looking at it, and he somehow knew this was his. "Alright go and get him!" The stand flew to the man at lightning speeds and created a barrier of ice, trapping him. Danny went up to him. "Ok, you're going to tell me everything I need to know. About stands, about tour boss. No one roams free in my city on my watch."

"Wait, wait! My name is Chester Woodrow."
"Ok. What the hell does that do for me?" He took some snow and put over his face to prevent swelling.
"Um, a stand is your mental strength manifested, it has special powers unique to itself and can be summoned at anytime!" Chester was in distress, what a wimp. He was all bark and no bite. "What about the man you claim to be your boss?" He sat down on the bench. This was a lot to take in.
"Im not sure. Boston mafia is very protective". Roar appeared behind Danny quietly, he had no idea that Chester could still fight. "Boston mafia?! We have those?" He rubbed his chin. He saw through his stand, Roar. He turned around and instinctively American Dream froze the entirety of Roar, killing Chester in the process.
Danny was tired. In his rush to leave the situation he thought that it wasn't murder if it was self defense and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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