What Do We Do

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We last left our heroes recovering after defeating the Nuclear family. All except for Dick who was being saved by the next robin. (one new thing is: in this story they have a house)

timeskip 2 months 

Kory's pov

After about an hour of arguing I was finally able to convince Dick that I wasn't the one to decapitate the creepy brainwashed family that we were able to capture. I can't believe it took this long for him to finally believe me.  

Now it's been two months and everything seems ok between us. The teens seem ok with our weird relationship so whatever I guess. I still don't know who I am though. I just keep getting a weird feeling and I don't know what It means. Also I feel slightly worse than what I consider normal. I haven't thrown up or anything but, the nausea is still a pain even though I consider it relatively normal. Human doctors probably wouldn't know how to diagnose me so it's not like I can go to the doctor. I don't want to tell Dick because he might get worried and It could just be a minor reaction to a bug bite or something. I don't know how my body reacts to most things so I guess I'll wait it out.

I can hide this and the team won't know or have to lose focus worrying about me. I am a grown woman. I can handle a little nausea. 

Rachel's pov

Lately i've been sensing something off about Kory. It's strange but I am starting to worry about what that means. Is there something evil inside of her just like me. I think i'm just going to ask her about it. 

I walk up to her door and knock hoping she was in there. luckily she was and she answered the door just as I was about to knock again. "hi," I started nervously, unsure how to start this conversation. 

She responded with an uncomfortable,"Hey. so what's up"

"I-I j-just um"  I stuttered unable to form the first sentence. I decide it's best to just to say it all at once like ripping off a bandaid. I confidently blurt out," I sense something weird about you and I came to see if you were ok."

she looked a bit worried and then she looked a little touched. Now I know she knows something.  When she is hiding something it shows on her face and this could be dangerous for the whole team. I can hear what she's saying but at the same time I can't really listen because my inner evil is unstable. she says that she's fine and that I shouldn't worry about it. she better be right or else we could all be fucked. 

I have to go talk to Dick about this.

Dick's pov

I decide to go check on Rachel only to find she was waiting for me at my door. Immediately i ask ,"What's up? Did something happen? Are Kory and Gar ok?"

She immediately reassures me and says," Kory and Gar are in their rooms relaxing." I suddenly catch my breath and relax. Then I open the door and we both sit down. 

She looks troubled so I ask her," What's wrong"

she looks down and replies," Kory's hiding something. Something strange that I can sense." With that being said I feel conflicted. I really want to trust Kory but if she's keeping dangerous secrets then I have to do what I have to do. 

After 20 minutes of awkward silence Rachel left and I went to go meet up with Kory. I was hoping this would be some big misunderstanding. When I was about two steps from her door she walked out. She saw the worried look on my face and knew right away what this confrontation was about. 

She looks into my eyes and says," I know that rachel's worried about me but i'm fine. At most I probably have the flu or something."

I raise my eyebrows and place my hands on my chin then I suspiciously ask," really. The flu. This could be serious Kory. You could be dying ! You could be..." That's when I realized something. There's high tech scanners and stuff at the batcave. As much as I really don't want to go there this isn't about me. I tell her "I know a place that can probably help you get diagnosed at least."

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