Daughter of the Wind and Stars

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Golden eyes that shone like the stars opened, ebony lashes bobbing with each curious blink at the world around. Innocent golden eyes met worn tired burnt golden eyes of a beautiful woman looking down at the new born child. Long moonlit white locks matched the soft tuffs of luminous moon white hair on the child's head. The child is wrapped in a black woollen blanket, warm and cozy in the arms of the mother.

"It is a girl, Your Majesty, congratulations." The child heard a distant voice said, happy and kind.

The child closed her golden eyes in comfort as the soothing soft tired voice of her mother is heard, "A girl. An Ironteeth and Crochan witch..."

"Indeed, Your Majesty." Another voice said, but hazy and blurry to the ears of the child.

"Well, Granddaughter, what is the name of your heir?" An older female voice asked soothingly.

The child opened her eyes when she felt slender fingers of her mother stroking her chin, "A beautiful witch, worthy of my throne. A name which everyone would soon know, someone whose deeds would echo far and wide." The child nuzzled into the touch of her mother but hid her disappointment when her mother pulled away the hand.

"I can sense she is going to be a great warrior. The wind said as much, Your Majesty." The same voice from before said kindly.

"The wind..." The child gurgled as she felt streams of wind coiling around her hands and neck gently, soothing and calming to the touch. "You love the winds. Like my cousin..." Her mother observed but the child is too interested in the winds around her to hear her mother. Then she stroked the child's head, "I name you Abigail. Daughter of the wind and stars. A witch worthy of my daughter and my heir. The wind will guide you while the stars from above where my Thirteen are will watch over you." She said, smiling faintly.

"Abigail... That is a very nice name, Granddaughter." The older soothing voice said.

"Abigail Artemis Blackbeak Crochan Havilliard." Her mother finished.

"Hmm... she would be a great warrior like you, Majesty." The second voice from before hummed in approval.

"She will be." Her mother whispered.

And I will be, Mother. The child last thought echoed as she couldn't fight the drowsiness and exhaustion any long, descending in the void of shining starlight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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