Chapter 4

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teya pov 

i met alana at her house. i knock on her door and she locked her door and we got in her car. we were jamming to the music. when we got to the mall. we went inside and alana said they will met at the food court.

''alana are you ready to hang with famous viners!'' i say excited

''yeah yeah whatever their just regular boys.''

alana pov

teya and i walked over to the food court and we found jack and jack sitting down with their hoodies and sunglasses on. 

''hey gilinsky and johnson''

''hey alana and this?"

''this is my friend teya''

''nice to meet you teya. i'm jack gilinsky and this is jack johnson. you can call me jack and you can call him johnson.''

''oh so i can call you jack instead of johnson?'' i say out of nowhere


''johnson you and teya walk around the mall together and me and alana will walk around together.'' jack says 

''okay lets go teya.'' 

''meet back here at 10pm when the mall closes''

''okay bye ''

me and jack started waking around the mall and there was an ackward silent until jack spoke up. 

''hey do you wanna get some starbucks?''

''yeah sure..''

we walk to starbucks and there was like to fans asking if jack can take pictures with them and then we went starbucks.

''so is that why you put your hoodie up and your sunglasses on?'' i ask


we get in starbucks line and i order a grande passion tea sweetened and jack got something.

we decided to walk in zummiez and i got another penny board and jack got some shirt from there. we then went to target and was just playing around. we grabed a cart and he grabed my waist and threw me in it gave me some swimming noodles and a bounce ball and threw a shirt and some shoes and then he ended up making a big pile of stuff on top of me and we were just laughing.

johnson pov

''hey you look pretty.'' i said ackwardly


''i was wondering do you wanna go to the candy factory?''

''yeah sure i love candy!''

''haha me too''

we got there and then we went to sears and we ended up sleeping in a sears bed.

alana  pov

''lets go to sears and jump on there beds'' gilinsky says

''hah okay if you help me out of this big pile of shit.'' i say trying to get out of the cart

we walk into sears we found johnson and teya sleep together and cuddling on a bed aww. i took a picture of them adn then me and jack jumped on the bed waking them up. teya and johnson wake up at the same time and they panick and get off of each other.

''calm down it's not like you guys had sexs or were kissing or that your you have a girlfriend and your cheating on her.'' jack says laughing

''it's not funny jack.'' johnson says mad

''sorry sorry grump pants.''

''your lucky none of you fans found you sleeping together.''


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