Prologue | The Price Of A Wish, Is The Price Of Life [Tsubasa]

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A loud boom shook the ground as I felt the car I was in slammed on it's brakes. Glass flew around me and the sound of metal crunching filled my ears. I could feel the shards cutting my skin and I started feeling lightheaded and it was hard for me to stay awake

Suddenly I was standing in a large field of purple flowers. I started to look around me in confusion

"Hello Tsubasa Akemi," A young female's voice spoke from behind me. I quickly whipped around to face, well nothing. There was no one standing behind.

"Down here!" I heard the voice call out once again. This time when I glanced down I saw a small winged fox-like creature. My eyes widened as I realized this animal had spoke to me.

"W-What are y-you?" I stuttered out in surprise as the fox thing stared at me with a twinkle in it's eyes. The fox started to glow before it transformed into a young girl, seemingly around the age of ten or eleven. I just stood there looking dumbfounded as he gave a smile at me.

"I'm Magia!"she exclaimed in excitement as she unfolded a pair of bright golden wings that seemed to glow. I also noticed she had red, black, and white fox ears and a tail.

Suddenly my memories came rushing back to - I was just in a car accident.

"How did I get here?" I asked aloud as I turned around to look around at my surroundings. For miles all I could see was blue sky and purple flowers. I quickly turned back to the fox-girl err Magia and asked "Where am I?"

In response Magia grew a large smile on her face before jumping up and landing back on her feet.

"You're in Caila, the land of Souls." She cried out as I looked at her with a confused look before a thought popped into my head.

"Am I Dead?" I asked Magia, tears threatening to fall as if my emotions knew that I was never going to see my family and friends again.

Magia shook her head before looking up at me with a serious face all of a sudden.

"Not technically. If you agree to be a Royal Soul Knight you will return home," She spoke in a flat tone of voice before adding "If you don't agree you go to heaven."

I thought about the words of this young girl and as I stood there a large gust of wind blew into the field.

"What would that entail?" I questioned her hoping that it wouldn't be something too bad. Magia smiled slightly before closing her eyes.

"You'd have to combine your soul and fight against an evil force known as a Wraith."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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