Chapter No.3

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When Delilah reached her home that day, she stumbled through the front door. She had been looking for a job for over two weeks. After taking off her shoes she glided across the floor in her socks, to the kitchen to get a snack before he went online to hunt for a job. 


When Delilah finally sat down and fired up her computer she got an email sent to her about a new job. It read:, 

"Welcome one and all to the job quest today we have a huge position available for you! Today we are offering the personal assistant gig to one lucky viewer. This PA will go to Mr. Grayson Elton of Elton Corp. Underneath his belt his net worth come to-Woah guys check this big number. His total of net worth comes to $108.9 billion dollars. Whew that's a lot! Well anyway he is the richest and most attractive man on the planet. We will start the drawing Number 4456 you have won to be the assistant of the fine gentleman", said the computer. Delilah jumped up and screamed in happiness.

"I won, I won!!", she shouted. The excitement died down suddenly. Delilah had no professional looking clothes. She would just have to go shopping with the money she inherited from her grandmother and grandfather.  She picked up her purse and grabbed her phone and called Elton Corps. She set up a meeting time for Wednesday, November 18. The meeting to meet her boss and to learn about the company  would be that day. She got ready and walked out her door ready to buy some clothes for her new job. She walked to the garage and opened it. She got the keys out of her purse and unlocked the car with a chirp. She got in and back up, then she drove away but not before closing the garage door. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Send me ideas. Have a good rest of your day!


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