coming back

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everyone is staring at my body. i go over to my body. i go back into my body. 


cheyenne's body started to move. david looked at her and started to cry. cheyenne open her eyes.

david: baby

cheyenne moved her hand to davids face. cheyenne smiled. david helped cheyenne up.

jenna: cheyenne

cheyenne looked at jenna

jenna: please dont go again

cheyenne opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. everyone looked at her. Cheyenne reaches over and takes out davids phone out of his pocket. She typed.

Me:i cant talk.

She showed david.

David: i can see that.

My head starts to hurt. Then so.ething said.

Thing: you can come back when you want to. You can came and go.

Me" why cant u talk"

Thing: dont know try again.

Me" ok are you going to be there when i need you"

Thing: i will always be here you little punk.

I started to cry.

David: baby why are you crying.

Me: aunt amanda

Everyone looked at me.

David: you talked.

Me: for real

David: see you did it again

Me: can i still sing

David: try singing.

David: you still got it.

Tatyana: who is amanda

Me: she is in my aunt on my dads side.

Alexandra: why did you sayher name

Me: it will sound crazy but she talksto me now that i am back.

Ki: so your dead aunt talks to you since you are alive again.

Me: yep.

Hey guys. I know it sounds weird but amanda is my aunt and she died when she was a baby. I never got to know her. She is my dads sister. She is the oldest out of my dad and her. I hope you guys like the story so far. LOVE YOU GUYS BYE!!!!!!

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