Meeting Tracy

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It was like any  other day since we moved back to Newport. I go to my neighbors who have lived their since Seth was little and they moved in the first time in the old house. Ryan told me he dated their oldest before  she died. Their youngest Cooper is his little brother he is a little younger than me.

I went to Cooper's place to meet with him then we headed to Harbor High. It was like any normal day going to school and leaving for lunch. Ryan works in Burkly but every Friday drives up to Newport to see us stay for the weekend and comes and meets me for lunch. He does this to still get to be around Cooper and me his siblings. This day was no different from the rest. I meet him at the lighthouse Cafe that my dad bought from my grandpa. We sat down started talking. Sometimes we talk about what is going on with me or Ryan but today Ryan decided to tell the story of the day I was born. Fun fact Ryan lives in the house I was born in. Seth also got to grow up in the same house. I was born so fast the old owners had to help deliver me. He said I was so lucky to make it through the earthquake. 

While we were talking Ryan got a phone call from dad. From what I got was I get to skip afternoon classes. I only know that because Ryan had to take me their to sign out for the day and get my bag. Ryan would not even tell me why I was getting out of school. He also said Seth was coming in as soon as he could. I kept asking why he took me out of school and just kept telling me I will find out when we get home.

We got home and I was not expecting a girl my age in the kitchen. It turns out her name is Tracy. Ryan instantly recognised her. It was his old neighbors daughter. Her dad killed someone got arrested and she also got in trouble. She stole a car with a friend kind of like Ryan used to do before he came and lived with us. Ryan started laughing when dad said that. He said she was so much like her mom's side of the family and even her dad Eddie's side.

After Ryan said that, dad explained more in detail what happened to her and to her why Ryan is commenting like that. It turns out she never got to know her dad. He left her and ended up dying. Her mom is a abusive drunk and kicked her out. My dad seen her as a lawyer helped her and brought her home like he did Ryan.

Ryan then started to explain his story about stealing a car with his brother Trey. They got arrested Ryan got out Trey got time in jail. Ryan went home and his mom kicked him out called dad who got him and brought him home. Dad got in a fight with mom who made Ryan go back home. When dad took him home he found out Ryan's mom left and had to bring him back. He got told just tonight then he was going to a group home. He ran away with help from Seth and Coopers sister Marissa. He hid at one of mom and grandpa's developments got caught by some bad kids who burned the house down Ryan and this other kid named Luke got arrested. Luke got out and Ryan got out after protecting my mom after she took Seth to juvie to visit him. She got him out and he ended up staying here. 

Tracy then asked were did Ryan sleep when he lived their and was she going to get to stay in the same place.

At that very moment Seth walked in the door. Seth being Seth who heard that asked who Tracy was. I decided to see his reaction and said a repeat in history.

Seth was so confused it took two hours to explain to him. 

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