Change of course

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Sophia Praeclarus

You know up to this day, I honestly don't know why I was surprised that he was given that commission. I mean he was one of the heroes of Iberia, it was only fitting that he became such an obvious choice. I was happy for him but at the same time I knew all too well that because of this, I would have a hard time getting his undivided attention.

I knew that he still had feelings for me, even after all of those passionate moments we have had for the past, even after so many times we both let our urges over take our reasoning, he still was too stubborn to see that I was still the obvious choice for him. All he needed was for me to... persuade him a little bit of more so he could be only mine.

"Alright little chicks! For now I'll let you off the hook. Get to know each other, have fun while it lasts before you become the captain's punching bag..." The colonel said with a rather ominous tone to him before I turned to Mason.

As the company began to break up into their little groups, Keiko seemed to walk off with Diana who seemed excited that her battle buddy got such a high rank while Uma and Rachel seemed to have made a new friend with another hybrid. As for my dear Mason... he began messaging someone through his phone since everyone seemed to be leaving or looked too nervous to approach him.

"I guess it's official now huh... congrats!" I said with excitement

 "Thanks! Although to be honest I was not expecting a promotion..." He said unloading his rifle.

"You deserve it, I mean you seemed like an obvious choice here to lead." I said as he slung the rifle into his back

 "Sophia, I'm twenty four... how many twenty four year olds do you know that are captains?" he asked, looking at me in the eyes.

"You have a point... but your merit speaks more than you think. It's not every day you have someone who is as talented as you."

 "I know a few people who can do the job better than I could, although they are also horrible at clerical work..." Mason said, taking off his cap before he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

 "... Hey, I know that you are pretty good making attachments and other shit. So would you be interested in being part of the maintenance team?" He asked as he knew that this was something I had a passion for, needless to say that this was too much of a good offer to let go.

"You serious? Sure! Just tell me what you want me to make or fix and I will make it even better!." I said with the excitement of a child going to a theme park.

 "Alright, that is one less person to think about..." Mason said, writing a reminder on his phone.

"You know if you would let me tinker with your rifle, I can make a longer barrel or better rail system..." I said as we both walked out of the arena along with several recruits.

Many of the guys seemed intrigued over Sergeant Bodi and Lieutenant Yukimura, the latter having some of the girls interested since... well... he was very attractive at the time, at times you would question his gender just from how smooth his face was.

 "I'm looking forward to it... you think you can check the trigger for me? It seems a little too sensitive for my taste." Mason said as we walked down the hallway towards the armory.

"I'm surprised that your battle rifle is still holding up. Wasn't that the one that Armando gave you?"

 "Yeah, this gun is my child okay? Maintaining it is almost a religion for me and you know it. I'm just not going to have time in the next few weeks so I just need a little bit of help if you don't mind." Mason said as two of the recruits passed us running.

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