The Macs

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"..." Cal's phone head suddenly rings. "WHAT TH-"

A split second later his head explodes.

Dirk: "..."

Hudie: "..."

Mela: "..."

Jore: "Fuck, fuck!"

Cal body starts deteriorating and blackening.

"No... No, something's not right here... this isn't right... technically... here... he'd be considered a monster... he should be turning to dust... that's... that's not right... somethings not right..."

"This is what he gets" Dirk's voice was too deep and oddly distorted.

Jillian shakes her head, trying to clear her thoughts, but her head feels funny and she can hear Ari, but she's distorted and the words don't make sense.

~*"Jill- someth- Some--lse is -ere! -lly!!"*~

"What he gets? What he gets for what...?"

"He wants to get inside of my head, knowwwww mmmmyyyyy seeecccrrreeettt" Mela's voice became distorted as both he and Dirk melted into a pile of blood and flesh


"What the hell is... what?!"

"I just want to see my faaaammmiiilllyyyy" Toremac's bones rise into place from the corpses attempting to form a human skeleton.

"What the hell is going on!? This isn't-" Jillian's own Blasters suddenly turned on her and when she saw TweedleDee disappear she knew what was coming and ported to the rafters barely missing being blasted from behind, "What the fuck!"

Bitty tried to blast her and she jumped to the next rafter as an emerald colored gel hit the place where she'd been, bursting into flames a moment later, so intense that it melted the metal into a red hot liquid.

"N***a you gooooonnnnaaaa diiiiiiiieeeee" The flesh was violently ripped from Hudie's body and surrounds the imperfect skeleton.

Jillian has to port again as Rexy's blast tears through a dozen rafters, but when she tried to Port again it was Tweedledum that hit her. Nothing she did, not even that stupid rhyme that was supposed to despawn the Tweedles would make her blasters despawn.

"This isn't right! What the hell!! Guys! What is wrong with you!? Stop! Itty!! Rexy! Stop!! What the fuck!!"

Cal's voice was semi incoherent warped gibberish as the blackened corpse fluid swarms to the flesh and bones, "I did this fooooorrrrr aaaaaa lllloooossssttt fffrrreeeiiinnnnddddd."

Jillian was pretty much being swarmed by her own blasters at this point and she couldn't help but be glad that the other 11 were inactive or she'd have been vaporized by now.

Niko: "Niko don't feel so gooooooooood." His skin splits away thrown towards the shadow body.

As this happens the face of the abomination changes faces between sacra, mod, and others finally ending at Jillian's face. A second of shock nearly got her blasted by Skully (Skellie's Blaster), Mortimer and Allister (Baby's Blasters) her mind was racing. There were very few reasons her own blasters would turn on her and even less that her brothers' blasters would turn on her. They were registering her as a threat. Somehow she herself was causing this. Suddenly the abomination speaks.

"You are legion"

The face changes to many different faces with Sanses, Papyruses, and others. Its arm extend towards Jillian and sprout bones and vines. She dodges and teleports around the bones and vines, not wanting this thing to even touch her. She summons a bone shield to block a blaster, before Porting to what's left of the rafters. The abomination rises higher destroying the ground beneath it as it levitates. It's eye scan Jillian and turn like blinding spotlights. The rest of the ground disappears below.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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