Chapter 4

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The next morning was not good. Anthea woke up late, cold and with a sore neck. Racing through her closet, she pulls out a skin-tight black skirt to pair with her work shirt. Frustrated at not having any other clean clothes, she scoops her wayward hair up into a messy bun and hastily swipes on makeup.  Deciding that she was too late, she races down the footpath to the café, perplexed to find that it was already opened. Oh shit – today was a rare day off for her. Dashing through the door, she runs into Michael.


“Your waitress just told me that this was your day off?”

“Don’t ask. I’ve been awake for approximately 20 minutes and my day is already horrid.” Anthea rubs her temples with her two index fingers.

“I endeavour to fix that.” A wolfish smile spread across his face, making his brown eyes burn.

“I need to go back to my place and change out of my work gear, would you like to tell me your plan over a quick cuppa?”

“Certainly, did you walk or drive?”

Twenty minutes later they were seated in her lounge room dunking oversized choc- chip cookies in their homemade lattes.

Changed and in a better mood, Anthea discusses their plans for the day – which is nothing at all. Unplanned adventures around London.

“Well then, Mr Smith; let me grab my purse and shoes and we’ll hit the streets.”

After lacing her combat boots and raiding her cash stash, she walks towards the front door, stopping in her tracks when she finds Travis – the gutter- rat – trying to push his way past Mika.

“She’s my fucking girlfriend, get out-“

“No Travis, you get out! Get out of my house and get out of my life! Don’t talk to me, don’t look at me.”

She’s properly riled, fuelled with her anger from his audacity last night.

“Get your hands off my friend. Touch him again and I will call the police and I will get a restraining order.”

“Baby, please,” he began “you don’t mean this.”

“On the contrary, I do. Out. Now.”

“You heard her. Or is that too much for someone of your intellectual level?”

Michael stepped in front of Anthea and looked Travis dead in the eye. Sensing defeat, he backed down, walked to his motorbike and left. Hearing her sob, he turned around just in time to see her first tear fall.

“I’m alright, just give me a few seconds.”

He walks her back to the lounge and sits her down. He then proceeds to disappear into the kitchen, returning with a glass of water and a box of Kleenex.

He passes her the water and lets her take a sip before he sits down next to her; with one hand, he delicately tips her chin up before he dabs away her tears and fixes her makeup.

“Try to smile, it suits you,”

Unable to stay upset, a smile etches itself into her features.

“You’re almost there,” He slides his arm around her shoulders and pulls her to his chest for a half- hug

“Are you still up for our adventure?”

Looking up into his eyes, she says “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

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