Janie's got a gun (Part1)

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I peered over the side of my bed and looked at the clock. It was one in the morning. I rolled back over and closed my eyes. The next thing I realized was the sound of thumping down the hall. A few seconds later my door slammed open, and my dad stood in the doorway.

"What are you still doing awake? He yelled.

He was drunk.

He came over my bed and yelled, "Why are you awake?"

I didnt say anything.

He screamed and smacked me across the face. I held my face as tears started to form in my eyes. I got off my bed and ran down the hall to his room. I could hear him running after me. I quickly tried to shut the door, but he busted through it. He cornered me, then ripped my shirt off then hit me again.

I was tired of this. He always abused me.

I pushed him out of the way and grabbed the gun that was in his top drawer. I pointed it at him. He stopped.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I didnt do anything.

"Put the gun down!" He yelled.

I stood there as he stepped closer to me.

"PUT IT DOWN!" He yelled again charging at me.

I fired the gun and shot him. He fell to the ground.

It took me an hour to realize what ive done. I took his body and dragged it down the hall and out the door. I put him in the back seat of his car and covered him up with a blanket. I drove off to the nearest train station. When I got there, I drug his body out of the car and up to the train. No one was there. But the underneath part of the train was open. I quickly shoved his body in there, then ran off to the car and drove home. I sat on the couch.

About ten minutes later there was a knock on the door, it was two police men.

"Ma'am, have you seen your father?" The one cop asked.

I allowed them into the house.

"We got reports of a gun firing." The other cop said.

"Oh...I didnt hear anything." I lied.

"Are you sure? We got about seven reports."

"I'm sure. I must have slept through it."

"Then why are you awake?" The first cop asked.

"I was just getting a glass of water."

"May we search the house?"

"Dont you need a warrent to search someone's property."

The one cop held a search warrent out infront of my face. Then he started walking around the house.

The other cop stood there with me, probably making sure I wouldnt run away..

I completely forgot that the gun was sitting on my dad's bed.

About five minutes later he came back downstairs.

"May I use your phone?" The one cop asked.

"Uh yeah...Sure..."

He picked the phone up and dialed it, "Hello this is officer Jensen. We have a code153. Yessir. Okay sir." He told whoever it was on the other end of the line the address of my house.

The other cop came over to me and said, "Can you put your hands behind our back?"

I didnt argue, I did what he asked. He cuffed my wrists and bought me over to the other cop.

About twenty minutes a man showed up at the door with a suitcase.

"Hello officer Jensen, I'm detective Frank. Code153?" Frank said.

Jensen nodded, "Follow me."

They went upstairs to my dad's bedroom.

I sat silent on the couch with the other police man.

"Whats your name?" I asked.

He didnt say anything.

"Okay, forget I asked.." I sighed.

Ten minutes later Jensen and Frank came back downstairs.

"Ma'am, will you come with us?" Jensen asked.

"Where to?" I asked.


"What for?"

"We have to ask you a few questions..."

I sighed and stood up. I followed Jensen outside. He opened the car door for me and I got in. I never imagined myself in the back of a black and white..

Once we reached the downtown police station, we got out and went inside. Jensen unlocked the small jail cage that was next to his desk. He asked me to go sit down in the back, while he asked me questions. I went and sat on the fold up chair that was in the back of the jail cage.

"So, we found a gun in your dad's room. Do you know who it belongs to?" Jensen asked.

I sat and thought for a minute then I said, "It my dad's. He goes to the shooting range on the weekends and practices shooting."

"Were you playing around with it earlier?" Jensen asked.


"And your dad wasnt home?"


"Okay, we're going to have to set up a court date for you..."


"We need you to talk to the judge and jury and see what they think."

"So, you're saying I did something?"

"I didnt say anything at all like that... Why, did you do something?"

"No sir." I lied.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2012 ⏰

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