The Mission

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Realizing their own vessel had taken a life changed how they viewed it. They felt they had lots to hide from it and were often worried if the Tallis would agree to their choices. However as they made startlingly discoveries, the AI seemed to only ride along with their choices.

The cannibalized Narashti vessel melded with whatever Tallis was. Much like what the lab of the Aegis was; the Tallis now was the best of both worlds. Of which particular strengths they were however; even the crew of the vessel wasn't sure which they were.

From within the alien ship, they began to settle in for what they had hoped to be a mission they could complete.

"All I'm saying is the black hunters haven't even investigated the crash site of  our ship. When they see the empty crater; it's going to raise questions." Rhynn argued with Eindri.

She had her helmet removed and was leaning against a command station. She frowned and looked away from her friend. "I agree with you, but with Jonah in his state I'm not sure if we can pull of a smash and grab kind of mission." As they paused and thought about their options a chime from the AI sounded.

"I believe we have all the information we are looking for;" it's tone was almost happy. "The main computer of this vessel has been infiltrated, I am able to access and remove all the files we need. The Narashti have quite the folder of information on the black hunters."

"So now that's out of the way, now what Captain." Rhynn said with sarcasm.

"I believe we are done here then. Mission accomplished right?" She drummed her fingers and looked around the bridge puzzled. "Tallis- what did you do with the crew of this vessel?" Rhynn took pause too and looked around. "I almost forgot, I mean I just assumed that-" the AI responded over Rhynn.
"The crew of this vessel is no longer a threat." Was all the AI was willing to say.

Not satisfied with that answer, "Tallis, Where is the Morder and The crew of this vessel?" As the seconds ticked by, they realized they weren't going to like the answer.

"I have no intention to allow a very dangerous enemy passage or allow them to live aboard this vessel. I transported them to the surface of the moon. Their EVA suits should buy them 12-24 hrs. Plus once I stop jamming their com channels, they should have a ship here soon."

They noted the cold Ill regard the AI had for the Narashti. It was flawed of course like any hatred. It was reasonable the Narashti could be a powerful ally too.

During the capture of the three hunters on the Lunar surface; the Tallis had regenerated most of its functionality back. It's main Weapons was apparently the first to come back on line. It's hull integrity was second. Thrusters and main engine was in quick succession afterwards.

As Tallis began to explain; the Narashti vessel was getting ready to leave the atmosphere. Time was limited if it was going to act and eliminate the threat and get its crew back. Manoeuvring its way towards the Narashti, it began to take fire. The weapons fire knocked out the main weapons as shields had not yet been restored. As a ship to ship battle was impossible; it set a collision course.

Using the full nature of the outer hull, it's liquid like consistency in affect splattered against the hull of the enemy ship. As the tendrils forced their way past bulkheads and pressure doors, the two vessels became one. Once in a strategic spot it burrowed in and consumed what was formerly the bridge.

"What are you Tallis?" Rhynn said at the conclusion of the AI's report of events. "I am a complicated life form. As humans say, that's the short answer."

The doors to the bridge cycled open and in a moment; Standing on the bridge in full Laquin armour, was Jonah. His arms held behind his back in a very military like manor. His battle swords hilt had changed. The more his friends looked at him they realized; everything about him had changed.

"Hunters Blade" -From within The SerpentWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt