|Chapter 1| .*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. |In My Blood|

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The detailed stories between two loving and complicated brothers are what brought me here. I was never quite sure why I even came to exist in the Hunter world, but I did. At the age of 12, I ran away from my adoptive family and made my life as a Hunter. My mother had been killed by something Supernatural, one evening, while I slept. Her scream woke me up. At the age of seven, I watched my mother bleed out from cuts along her body. They were deep. I swore they were from a dog, but no one believed me. I barely slept, after this. My father had only come once or twice when I was a child, so I couldn't go to him for help. I was on my own. Alone, through every step I took.

I worked with tons hunters. Many who only taught me how to hunt, they never actually let me go out in the field until I was about 15. The first creature I ever killed was a Ghoul. They are disgusting, mindless dicks, who wanted to eat and or seduce anything in sight. I killed one of the pack leaders, and then the rest of the pack.

As I grew older, I hunted all sorts of things. My specialty: demons. Yes. I hunt demons. And they're not as easy as they look. But I like challenges, so this seemed like a treat every time. Though Hunting has never been my favored job, I do it and I do it well. So don't ever tell me to stop, I'll only stop if I can.

This leads me to the beginning of my story:

One afternoon, stuffy and hot, I was hunting a demon in an abandoned wear house. He was silent and hiding well. But he couldn't leave because of the salt lining the walls. As I searched, I heard the noise of metal clanking against the cold, hard concrete that formed the ground beneath me. I rushed around the corner to find!... two... men. I lowered my gun in exasperation.

"Really! Who are you?!" I demanded, angry that they'd broken the salt seal.

"The Winchester's! Who are you?!"

I sighed. These two were well known hunters. Though I'd never met them in person, I knew they were.

"Maya," I paused slightly, looking at the salt. "Marx. You guys ruined my hunt! You just let my demon get away!"

"Oops..." they replied, staring at each other uncomfortably.

"What are you guys even doing here?"

"We're hunting a ghost," Dean explained.

"Well, I doubt you'll find it here. It shouldn't have been able to get through the seal."

"No, it's been tied here for a while. This place was haunted before you even stumbled in here," Sam said.

"Great, just great."

A gentle but sudden noise made us all stop in our tracks.

"No else is with you, correct?" Sam asked.

"Nope," I replied, eyes still searching the room for some spirit rushing for me.

"Crap," Dean muttered quietly. He abruptly flew back against the wall.

"Dean!" Sam cried, rushing towards him.

"Sam, wait!" I stopped him. "Hold on," I said quieter. I waited before I let my plan escape my mouth in a strange manner. "I'm over here, freak! Come and get me!" I held and iron shank I had created myself, specifically for this very reason. "Go! Find the bones! AND PUT THE FRIGGING SALT LINE BACK TOGETHER ON YOUR WAY OUT!" I commanded of the men.

"Got it!" The responded in sync and vanished out of the room.

The ghost came towards me multiple times and with each encounter, I'd swing at it, making the foggy-like figure  part in the air. And then, it returned to the room and burned right before my eyes.

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