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Luke's girlfriend - saffron

Michael's girlfriend - Bethany

Ash's girlfriend - Alexis

Calum's girlfriend - Allie

Calum's best friend - Lailla

Michael's best friend - Kianna


saffrons POV:

me, Bethany, alexis, allie, Lailla & kianna were waiting for the boys.

Luke walked in first, saw me in my dress and high heels and stared at me for at least 30 seconds until he walked up to me.

"you never said you'd look this perfect babe" he said to me

I blushed as he scooped me off my feet and twisted me around in the air, and gently kissed my lips, until he placed me down carefully on the ground because of my heels.

"so how was the tour?" I asked him.

"it was great, not as great as the next tour though."

"whys that?"

"because I have a surprise for you and the girls." he said

he got us all in the limo to take us to a special place.

"the first surprise is that you guys are coming on tour with us!" Michael said, kissing Bethany's cheek.

all of us were screaming loudly in the limo.

"the second surprise is better though." ash said.

"we're taking you lot to it now, WERE ALL MOVING INTO A MANSION TOGETHER LADIES!" Calum shouted.

all do us were so shocked as we pulled up to the drive of the mansion. it was hug and modern and I ran up to Luke and kissed him in front of the fountain, until Calum being the weird dick he is pushed us into the fountain , and all the girls and 5sos jumped in with us and we were there like creepy teenagers swimming in a fountain. this had to be one of the best nights of my life.

Bethany's POV:

all of us soaking wet we made input into the mansion. as soon as you walk in, a diamond chandelier and a gold set of stairs, it was like Kim Kardashians house on the Kardashian game. like magic. the boys had a recording studio, and us girls had a closet each and the boys know our styles and made us new wardrobes which were perfection I must say. I shared a bedroom with micheal. I walked in the bedroom to see a red carpet that mike set up, and the bed had all flower petals on and I thought it was ever so cute of him to do this for me. he walked upstairs, hugged me from behind and placed his chin on my shoulder as he kissed my cheek.

"do you like it?" he said, looking into my eyes.

"I love it mike, not as much as I love you though." I said to him as I looked into his eyes and we kissed.

we heard the girls screaming in the garden, so we made our way downstairs.

Alexis' POV:

the boys had set up a party in the back garden, with 1D and them singing they're songs and DavidGuetta as the DJ for the night. they're was a huge back garden with a giant pool and everything. honestly the boys had made my life so much better. Ash grabbed my hands and starting dancing and twirling me around. we danced away until 1D started singing half a heart and we all slow danced. ash grabbed me and starting twirling round the garden like it was a ball room.

"this is going to be the best house ever babe" he whispered in my ear.

"I know, thanks so much Ash, you truly mean the world to me" I said to him as we stopped and kissed in the moonlight.

Allie's POV:

they all started making they're way upstairs to the bed rooms and closets to get they're pajamas on. me and the girls got our new pj's on and headed downstairs and had a talk in the living room as if it was big brother house.

"I really love it here already" saffron giggled

"and me, the boys have worked hard for us and I'm glad micheal lives wih his best friend and his girl friend." kianna says.

we all just laughed the whole night, as the boys came down and we watched a horror movie all cuddled up in a fort that we made from the sofas as if we were 6 year olds. then we all headed upstairs to get some rest. as the tour was tomorrow and we needed to get up early to pack everything and set off on the afternoon. All I could keep think was, this is only the start of summer, so that means this summer WILL be the best summer anyone in the world could have.


short . but they're will be a lot of parts. hope you liked it 💘

Bad Boys Of Summer : Part 1Where stories live. Discover now