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he looked up from his wet shoes, and met kihyuns brown eyes, that were staring right into his soul, like kihyun would know every changkyuns secret.

"oh." was all he managed to blurt out. he just stared his noodles, that he had craved all night. he wasn't expecting to see kihyun here. he didn't even know that he was working here.

"you didn't respond any of my messages." kihyun said, and finally dropped his gaze from changkyuns eyes, to his own hands that were in the counter. oh how changkyun would have wanted to tell him how he missed him.

"yeah, sorry about that, but im not still forgiving you." changkyun said, and paid his noodles, quickly walking back to his apartment.

he didn't plan to meet kihyun. at least not at 2 am in store, because he was craving noodles.

he sighed, and opened his apartments door, walking in. he just threw his shoes somewhere in the hall, and made his way towards his kitchen, planning to eat his noodles, he wanted to eat all night.


i lowkey hate this

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