Dead Girls Walking: Part 2

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Author's Note: Before reading, I just want to inform you all about some things. First of all, this is a part two to the previous chapter. Also, this chapter will mainly focus on Jessica and Alexa meeting Jessie and Lexi for the first time. I'm writing this note before writing the actual story, so I'm not sure yet if Christine and Julie will have any part in this one. The story is about all four of them though, and there will be chapters with more Christine or Julie content too. Also, Jessie and Lexi will come back occasionally, so it isn't the end of them after this chapter. I hope you enjoy the chapter:))


Jessica and I looked at each other and took a deep breath. Lexi waved at us again, so I nodded and me and Jess went up to her. She was also with Jessie Kendrick, who played Veronica. "Hey! It's so great to see you!", Lexi said with a huge smile across her face. She either was nothing like we expected, or she was pulling a Regina George type of move. You know, when they act so nice but only to use you. "Hey, you did great in your performance," I said trying to make conversation. "Thanks! I'm a really big fan of you Alexa. When the word got around backstage that you two were here we freaked out!", Lexi continued full of enthusiasm. Then Jessie said, "Jessica, I'm a huge fan of you too. You and Alexa are mine and Lexi's idols, so when someone in the cast heard you were here, they told us immediately." Jessica smiled and replied, "Thank you, we did really enjoy the show. You both did amazing." Jess and I each took a sigh of relief as we got to know the girls more.


I was so happy that I just met my idol! Alexa was so kind and amazing to talk to. I just couldn't help it, I had to ask if she'd want to see the dressing room I share with Jessie. I was so happy when Alexa and Jessica said they'd come see it!!


I walked down the hallway of this huge broadway theatre down to Lexi and Jessie's room. I still can't believe Heathers gets to have its shows here, it's such an amazing place. I jokingly whispered to Alexa, "At least we know her dressing room won't be Heather hell." She giggled and we kept walking down the hall until we reached their room. Lexi opened the door, and me and Alexa looked into a room nothing like we expected. Alexa and I looked around the dressing room, with one side looking like a dollhouse filled with rainbows and stuffed animals and the other an artsy, Heathers themed side.

This is what Lexi's side of the room looks like:

"Ar-are we in the right room?," Alexa whispered to me

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"Ar-are we in the right room?," Alexa whispered to me. "The girls sort of just sat down casually, so I think so," I whispered back. The room wasn't ugly or anything, it's just much different then we expected. "If you didn't notice, we couldn't agree on how to decorate our dressing room. And of course this is my side," Jessie said as she gestured to the side of the room she sat on. We all talked and hung out for a while and got to know each other. At one point, Jessie and Lexi were looking in the other direction, so I took a costume and put it in front of Alexa. "You would look adorable in this," I whispered to my girlfriend. Alexa laughed and replied, "I think you'd look much better in it."


Lexi and I watched as our idols goofed off together and smile at each other. We always shipped our two idols, just like anyone who has seen them, because everyone knows they love each other. We exchanged a look and smiled, being so overjoyed to be in the same room as our two idols. We all agreed to keep in touch in meet up again soon, and they went home.


I still couldn't wrap my mind around some of the things that happened at the show. I know Jessica and Alexa are close, but I've never seen them act so close before. Why would they be in the bathroom for 15 minutes? I could put on a full face of makeup in five minutes if I had to. And when Alexa started crying, Jessica's response of "Don't cry baby", had me sort of confused. But still, who am I to judge them if I still haven't told them anything yet. I don't know what they think or what they've noticed, but I still won't be able to tell them for a while...

Author's Note: I'm so sorry it took so long to update this, I've been so busy with so much school work. I'm going to try and update both fanfics more often from now on. What did you think of this chapter?

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