Chapter 1

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The kingdom of Aralun was waiting eagerly for the games to start. There hadn't been anything like this since the Morgaraths time. There was a large arena created for the games. There were hundreds of people from all over the kingdom that came to watch or participate. With most of the highest ranking nobles and the shear number of people present, most of the rangers were there as extra protection in case anything were to happen. Only a few rangers were posted around the kingdom, for most of the people were there to watch the games.

Will and Gilan were excitedly walking through the croud to get to a large pavilion were the rangers would meet once a day to discus what has be going on. There were so many people they need almost all the rangers to keep track of everything. Almost ever ranger. Will thought sadly as he rememberd that Halt would not be there. Halt was one of the rangers that was keeping track of the fifes.

Will and Gilan soon made it to their meeting spot. They greeted all their old friends. This was the first day of the games, so the first time they had seen each other since the last ranger gathering. Crowley walked over and greeted them with a large smile, as he shook both the rangers hands.

"It's good to see you, Crowley." Gilan said, and both he and Will smiled at the sandy haired ranger.

"Good to see you as well." Crawly said. After a couple minuets greeting each other Crowley called everyone to silence as he asked everyone what had been going on. There wasn't much to discus, it being the first day and all. After a couple of small things Crawly said that the meeting was over. Crawly then joined Will and Gilan, as they walked to a pretty large building were the king and some other members of the court, and trusted allies to the crown stayed. As they walked towards the building a young man in about is early to mid twenty stepped out from behind a tent and accidently ran into Crowley.

"I'm very sorry sir." The man said as he steadied himself. Crowley nodded reassuringly a bit surprised at the mans obvious Hibernian accent.

"It's all right, no harm done." Crowley said as he smiled at the man.

"So have you come to watch the games or participate in them?" Crowley asked. The man smiled shily for a moment before answering.

"I've come to participate." He said Crowley nodded.

"Well then good luck my friend." Crowley said smiling as he slapped the man on the shoulder.

"By the way my names Crowley. This is Will and Gilan." Crowley said pointing to his two companions respectively. They both nodded their greetings to the man. The man nodded in greeting.

"I couldn't help but notice your accent. I presume you from Hibernia.?" Crowley asked. The man nodded.

"Yes I'm from the kingdom of Clonmel. I came here to visit family when I heard about the tournament, I decided to enter." The three Rangers nodded at his story.

"Well It's good to have met you, but I'm afraid we mist be going." Crowley said as he shook hands with the man. As they were walking away the man called out to them.

"Oh by the way! My names Sean!"

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