Chapter 2

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Sean smiles to himself as the three Rangers walked away. So these are the ones my uncle told me about. Sean thought to himself. He wandered for a moment if he should have told them who he was, but in the end though better of it. Best to let that keep, he thought.

Sean was impressed by the scale of the tournament. back in Hibernia they had a tournament once in a while, but nothing at this scale. He was certainly happy that his uncle had invited him. His uncle knew that he was a great swordsmen and that he loved to fight in tournaments like this. Above all Sean was just glad to have the opportunity to get to know his uncle better. Sean and Halt had met briefly one time when Halt had visited Hibernia to see what his brother was up to. At first Sean thought Halt was Ferris, but then he saw the obvious differences between to two brothers. When Halt told him who he was, Sean couldn't believe it. His uncle thought to be dead, was alive. Ever since Sean was a little boy his mother had told him all sorts of story's about his uncle Halt. Halt had always been Sean's mothers favorite brother, she talked about Halt like he was her favorite person in the world. Sean remembered being so engrossed in his mothers story's, wishing that he could have met Halt. The more stories his mom told him, the more he thought he was connecting with his uncle. When Sean was little he found that whenever he was in a tough situation he would always think, what would uncle Halt do. When Halt told Sean who he was, Sean just froze. This couldn't be his uncle. His uncle was dead, and yet here he was. Halt, seeing the look of shock on Sean's face, smile at him warmly. Sean couldn't help the tears flood into his eyes. Halt had the same smile and sparkle in his eyes that his mother did. Sean slowly stepped over to Halt, and then hugged him. Halt a bit surprised at Sean's reaction couldn't help but hug him back. When they separated, Sean couldn't help but ask the question that had been on his mind since Halt appeared.

"How are you alive?" Halt then told Sean all about what Ferris had done and where he had been for all these years. Sean couldn't help but be proud to call Halt his uncle. After they talked for a couple hours Halt told Sean about a tournament that would be held in Araluen in a couple months time. They then decided that Halt would meet him on the coast of Araluen a couple days before the tournament. After Halt left Sean already missed him, the tournament couldn't come sooner. Sean spent months thinking about the things he would tell and ask Halt. His hole life he wanted to meet his uncle, and now ha had. He could finally talk to the man his mother had talked about to fondly. Sean would finally get to have a relationship with the uncle he had thought of as his hero, the man Sean had strived all his life to be like. Sean was finally getting his chance.., and he would not waste it.

As Sean walked off towards the tent he had set up for himself, he silently thanks his mom for telling him all those story's about his uncle Halt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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