part 1

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Pragyas POV
It's been 3 months since college started. And I feel like an the most luckiest person on this earth.i have heard many saying that school life will always be the best compared to college , there wont be nothing except hearing those boring lectures , this that .... But what I got was completely the opposite. I always wanted to be the way I am since childhood. But somehow couldn't. I guess the pressure of scoring good marks in boards , preparing for entrance exams , going to all coaching classes  would be the reason. But now that I have got admitted in a very reputed college got the bestest people in the name of friends or to be precise "my extended family" I can't stop in expressing the hidden pragya in myself.

She got back from her dream when she heard the beep sound in her phone and it was a text from poorab.
  Poorab : prags my part is done. Now it's your turn. have ordered the cake. I'll be with bulbul . Take the delivery n come soon.
Pragya : yep done 👍
Poorab : n yeah .... go with abhi in bike he knows the place .
Pragya : ok ... but where are others ? Poorvi nikhil vin disha ?
Poorab : they are decorating the room ....don't ask questions come soon 😏bye.
  Pragya  smiled and left to meet abhi. Even though it's her besties birthday n getting excited to surprise her.. the thought of going in bike with a boy for the very first time gave her an unnamed emotions.
When she was waiting for the lift ... she spotted abhi there. They both smiled but haven't talked that much yet. It's not that she / he don't want too..its just that abhi is quiet an introvert and when it comes to girls he wont open up that easily.
The lift came and they both entered. Its was bit crowded. And they were left with no other option of standing so close to each other. Their eyes met for the very first time, it carried loads of emotions but couldn't understand what it is. To ease the situation pragya said
Pragya: ears would bleed if they keep on talking like this
But our stupid abhi understood that his ears are only bleeding and started to panic . Later he understood what she meant and both had a great laugh.
Pragya : abhi you know right we are going to get the cake for bulbuls birthday
Abhi : yeah.. poorab texted me. You be here I ll go and get the bike
Pragya : ok
Though they tried to act normal in spite of nothing happened between them but just an eye lock... they weren't able to neglect the feelings of sommersalting butterflies and racing heartbeats in them.
After a while abhi came and both drove to the cake shop. Only God knows how they managed to reach the shop. Those speed breakers,  those sudden brakes,  putting hands on shoulders , looking through the rear mirror ...everything added spice to their new feeling... but then they got to the shop and drove back to bulbuls place.

That's all for now guys.. I'll try to update whenever it's possible.. bbye have a great day ahead and yeah happy weekend 😁😁

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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