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Clow Reed was a powerful sorcerer who has lived for many centuries. He knew both Western and Eastern magic. Clow was a man who created many things in his lifetime. Among them was the elusive Clow Cards named after himself. He also created two guardians for the cards. A guardian of the Sun and a guardian of the Moon.

The eldest was the Sun Guardian. His name was Keroberos and he took the form of a great golden male lion without a mane. He had large wings that came from his back. These wings had a slight tint of creamy yellow coloring when in the sunlight. He also had a helmet of beaten metal that was studded with a large, red, precious stones. He represented Western magic.

The younger one was named Yue. He was a personification of the moon and represented Eastern magic.

Instead of an animal like his 'brother' Yue took the form of an attractive young man no older than 19 with long, silvery white hair that flowed down his back and to the floor in a loose ponytail. His bangs are short, and reveal his silver-blue eyes with slit pupils. He wore white silk robes set with dark blue armor and had a jeweled earring on his left ear along with a long side cape that hanged off his right shoulder and he also had large angelic wings from his back as well. His wings were pure white like newly fallen snow yet they shimmered with magic and seemed to sparkle in the moonlight.

Keroberos could create his own magic just like the sun could create its own light. He had a joyful personality and an uncanny love for sweets. He was reckless, noisy, brash and clumsy.

Yue was the opposite of Keroberos. Like the moon cannot create its own light Yue couldn't create his own magic and depended on Clow for that magic. He was quiet and reserved unlike his counterpart and was very graceful and elegant. He was highly intelligent and didn't have to eat. The only times he did was when he was low on magic. The food could then turn to energy to sustain him until a magical source came by.

Clow loved his creations dearly though it was clear he favored Yue more.

His Moon Angel. That's what he called Yue.

Yue loved Clow dearly and knowing there was a chance it wasn't mutual he covered it up. He was content with simply being a favored companion. Yet, the bond these two have, had grown over the years until Clow saw, he could no longer view Yue as a friend.

Often he would call Yue so they had time alone basking in each others presences. On the night of a full moon, he called Yue to the roof and gave him a silver locket with a crescent moon on it. Yue opened the locket and in it was a picture of them during the time Clow taught Yue archery. The other side had a message engraved. Yue's eyes widened and a smile appeared along with a slight blush on his cheeks. The words were:

To the Moon Guardian Yue,
May the moonlight always embrace you. I love you my Moon Angel❤
~Clow Reed

That night the two confessed and as the years passed they had a strong, close, and intimate relationship. Granted, they kept it hidden for a bit as they wanted it to be a private thing between the two.

However, all good things must come to an end.

Clow knew he would die. That is a fact. He also knew who would be the new Master or should he say Mistress of the cards and their guardians.

He knew everything but he told no one. He enjoyed the days with his lover and realized Yue wouldn't let him go and may try to find him within his reincarnation. However, he could do nothing as the next day was his last. He could only hope Yue found love again but a selfish part of him also hoped that Yue wouldn't.

The day of his death came and when he told the two guardians they were horrified. Yue was heartbroken and denied what he was hearing. Clow told them a new master would be found. Yue yelled saying he only wanted Clow.

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