Episode 3--SenorQueso and the 1st death?

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Jade looked at Wave. "Hey, Theirs a new person that joined the server...wanna go to spawn and see if he is their?" Jade asked curiously, Wave nodded as they both went to get their horses, They rode to spawn right as a blood moon had rose, they broke spawn to get their horses in, then fixed it, Jade ties her horse to a fence post and looked around, Wave stayed on her horse, SenorQueso was looking around spawn, probably recording, Jade walked over to hit the Daytime button because it was a blood moon, she had 5 buckets of spring water on her and she was going to give some to him, SenorQueso noticed Jade and was spooked by her white eye, but then typed "Hello" in chat, Jade asked if he had discord so he could join Wave and hers teamspeak, he said yes so they added him in

"Hi, I'm recording right now :p" he said, Jade nodded "Have you gotten a shulker with things in it?" Jade said, Wave stayed quiet. "Yeah" he said. "Wanna live with me and Wave?" Jade asked, He nodded in game, so Jade slowly walked over to Wave. "Wave I found him! He is living with us :3" Jade said, Wave nodded "It's a long walk though, we live in a little house in a tundra biome, far away from any other players, we may find more houses also :) " she said, they began their walk with their horses until they got their, Wave went afk to watch ThinkNoodles stream, It happened a couple days so and She was the only one that watched it out of the 3, they came back a couple hours later. "Guys. We have our first death..." Wave said sadly...

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