Same Phone Number

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I really wished I could talk to Lance more but I couldn't because shiro was pulling up the school drive way. "Well I have to go now" Keith said as he started to put his stuff back into his backpack. "Bye Keith... Maybe see you tomorrow?" Asked the blue eyed male. "Yeah sure" Keith said before walking to his older brothers luxurious car. Yeah shiro had money and liked to show it off, it's not one of those things were your want to make people feel bad by showing off, he just liked to look presentable. "Hey Keith how was your day? " shiro asked looking over at the smaller male who was having trouble shoving his backpack between the two front seats. "Here Let me help. " shiro pushed the backpack through the seats. "Thanks and my day was fine I had a small conversation with Lance today. Anyway how was work?" Asked the youngest of the two boys. "Well that's good I hope you and Lance get back together as friends. Oorr if you guys want to be more then friends" shir said wearing a shit eating grin. Keith's cheeks heated up leaving a light pink tint on them."God shiro how many times do I have to tell you I don't have crush on him anymore!" He shreiked "oh sure that crush isn't gone it's still down there in you gay little ass"

{Time skip bc I don't like writing conversations}

It's now around 6 pm I just had dinner with shiro and his boyfriend Adam. They left to go an amusement park and left me alone, I was kind of happy to be by myself I could do anything I wanted.  Well before I could do anything I wanted I have to my homework because I'm trying to keep my grades up. I was doing my work like every night when my mind changed to what happened after school with Lance. I still had his phone number from middle school. I want it to be the same as the one that he has now, so I try it. I writ a sentence in the text box but I delete everything and try another and another until I have the one I was looking for.


Redboi: hey its me keith, I hope this is still your number

Blueboi: oh hey didn't expect a cutie to text me~😘

Redboi: please don't call me that and I just wanted to see if this was still your phone number

Blueboi: sureee you just miss me and don't want to admit it

Redboi: well I do miss you. But it's not like that.

Blueboi: are you sureee it kind of looks like you still have a crush on me~

Redboi: wym "still" I never had a crush on you

Blueboi: maybe a little bird told me a secret

Redboi: and who is this little bird?

Blueboi: can't tell you~ but maybe another day😉

Redboi: well I gtg I think shiro is here. Bye

Blueboi: bye cutie!~

{I know I'm not good at writing conversation but I tried my best}

"Keith we're home! Adam got you something" shiro yelled as him and Adam took their shoes off at the door. Keith made his way downstairs to see the object that Adam had got him. As keith made his was down he saw adam holding a light purple hippo stuffed animal. "I won you a hippo so you can add to collection" adam smiled holding out the purple stuffed animal.  "Thank you adam I love it! " keith smiled and hugged the other male. Keith loved hippos they were just so cute but strong a hell and they were just a cool animal.  Keith raced back up to his room to add his new family member to the rest. There in the corner was a stack of stuffed animals, pillows, and blankets.  It was his corner where he spent most of his time it also was kind of his second bed. There were sheets hanging from top, there were fairy lights and glow in tye dark stars all over the wall.  Across his corner there was his bed neatly made, across his bed was is dresser and walk in closest.  His room was really big it was the size of the lay out of the house since his room was in the attic.
{small time skip}

I had just brushed my teeth and was already in bed all I had to do was fall asleep to get rest. It's always hard for me to fall asleep there's just a lot of things on my mind. Like right now all I have on my mind is I Lance will talking to me in school. I think about how me and lance used to have such a good time,  I also think of all his flaws. I close my eye and fall asleep dreaming of my crush.

(Sorry this took so long I had a writing block. My school bell is about to ring so bye!  I hope you enjoy chapter 3. Also sorry if I have any mistake I'll probably fix them after school)

Edit: I wanted the next day to be the weekend but I kind of messed it up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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