Chapter 11

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"Fall To Pieces" Chapter 11

Selena’s P.O.V

We said goodbyes to Bruno, on a Sunday morning in May, scattering his ashes in Chautauqua Park as the watery sun shone down on us. Some people might think of it as a ridiculous gesture, but that just showed what they knew.

Bruno had been my best friend, and I’d loved him, and would miss him always. He’d protected me from a rapist, kept me company when I was a lonely, scared, little girl, and had given me almost thirteen years of unconditional love and loyalty.

There weren’t many human relationships you could say that about.

All three of my roommates, came to the park to silently say farewell, and pay their respects. None of us spoke. I stood with Demi, Derek stood with Justin.

The cops hadn’t charged Rachel, because of lack of evidence.

But I knew she did it. I knew.


“You’re moving out?” I gasped, as I watched from the doorway as Demi piled her clothes and possessions into bags.

“Yeah,” she said, sighing. “It’s time for me to go, Selena,” she said in a shaky voice. “I’m graduating next week, and since the breakup, I don’t…I can’t. I just can’t, you know?”

Sadly, I did know. I completely understood what she meant, and how she felt. Demi and Derek hadn’t spoken since their breakup, not a word. He was completely torn up about it.

They tolerated being in the same room as each other, but after a month of tension and unhappiness, I could understand why Demi couldn’t stay here.

“Where will you go?” I asked quietly. “Have you somewhere to go?”

“I have a friend who will put me up for a while,” she replied.

“I’m going to miss you, Demi,” I muttered.

Demi stopped packing and came towards me. Wrapping me in a massive hug, she squeezed me tightly.

“I love you,” she whispered. “And I am so terribly sorry for how I have treated you, these past few months. I’ve been a terrible friend to you, but I promise, from now on, I’ll have your back.”

“You’ve always had my back, Demi,” I replied, squeezing her hard.

“Will you be okay here, with him?”

I nodded slowly. “I hope so.”

“He loves you,” she whispered.

I sighed. “He thinks he does.”


I walked around aimlessly for half the day, trying to rid myself of the strange swell of guilt, loneliness and neediness inside of my heart since Bruno’s memorial.

I found myself sitting on a bench in the demipus of C.U, watching Justin as he strolled across the quad, alone, and with a deep frown creasing his forehead.

Even in my depressed state, I was aware of his beauty. He made casual, look mouthwateringly sexy. His blue over-washed jeans, hung low on his hips, and his long-sSelenaved, black t-shirt clung to him, pressing against every sculpted muscle on his stomach.

When his eyes found me, his frown disappeared, replaced by a nervous smile. He prowled towards me and I remained perched on the bench, not trusting my legs to be steady enough for walking. Justin claimed the space between us in a few brisk strides.

“Hey, princess,” he said quietly.

Kissing my cheek, he dropped his bag on the bench and sat.

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