Freddie Son

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"Louis! Louis over here!"

"Over here!"

"Louis is it true that you and Eleanor Calder called the quits?"

"Who do you thinks gonna win X-Factor?!"

My dad, a multi millionaire at the young age of 37, pushed through the crowds of people like a pro, dodging questions, keeping his head low, all the while he kept a firm grip on my wrist as I followed behind him.

"Freddie where is your mum?"

"Is it true you have full custody of Freddie now?"

They ask these questions like I'm not even here, not caring about me or my dad—just for their stupid filthy money.

I don't know how my dad keeps his cool when this happens. If I were him, I would've already drop kicked one of this motherfuckers asses for even bringing up my mum.

I felt a light yank and realized we had reached the car, my dad climbing in first and me right after, the door slamming shut and the outside world was finally muted.

I blew air from my mouth and looked over to my dad who was looking outside the tinted window with a crease in his brow. People outside were in hysterics—pounding the glass and continuing to ask meaningless questions that they knew we couldn't hear. "Where too Mr. Tomlinson?" Our driver—Nick asked. "Home." My dad's soft voice answered as he looked back down at his lap.

I suppose my dad feels bad for making his world my world. For bringing me into the spotlight when he tried his very best not too for 12 glorious years. But here I am, stuck in England with a father I barely talk too because I never see him. He had finally taken full custody of my after my mum went a bit crazy. My mum—Briana Jungwirth, is a model and is always referred to as a bitch by my father when he doesn't think I'm listening.

Moving to the UK is definitely the biggest change that has ever happened to me. No more sunny skies and perfect warm weather with beaches and hot girls back in Malibu, but now in cold rainy London where everything is older than my last history teacher, which is saying a lot.

"I'm meeting Liam tonight at the bar, wanna come?" My dad asked me without looking up. "I'm 13, dad."
My dad finally looked at me, blue eyes clearer than the gulf. "Hm should be fine, lad I'm not even gonna drink." I crossed my arms. "That's what you said last time but you ended up pissed on the floor of our lounge."

My dad rolled his eyes and put his attention back on his phone. "Alright how about we go to the cinema then? Liam loves action films just like you." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah ok. Will Bear be there?"

My dad shrugged his shoulders as he finally turned off his phone and leaned back into the leather seating.

"I'll ask Payno but he could be at his mum's tonight. You want to ask Doris or Ernie?"

I scrunched up my face at the mention of my "aunt" and "uncle" who are just a year older. "Nah I'll pass."
My dad chuckled to himself. "Ok then we'll leave at around 21:30."

• • •

Right when we got through security and pulled up the driveway, I opened the door and jumped out. "You're gonna break your neck if you keep doing that." My dad said, coming up behind me and unlocking the door. I shrugged my shoulders and ran up the stairs to the confinements of my room.

"Freddie son I need you to be ready in two hours, don't do anything stupid while I'm out." My dad hollered from the down stairs of our unnecessarily large home. "Yeah." I shouted back, my attention focused on the game. Usually my dad and I will play this when he's not busy. He's pretty good at FIFA, saying this is all he and the 'lads' used to play when they had free days.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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