"Reading is Magic!"

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"Reading is magic"

I saw that the other day.

Reading is not magic,

Reading is a privilege to learn,

Many people in third world countries don't get that privilege.

Most of them are women,

Barred from learning and growing in mind.

Reading is an ability of the mind.

Somehow the mind takes 26 letters and uncodes them. It takes the sounds we say they make, and turns them into words, and the words string together for sentences and the sentences complete ideas in paragraphs.

Every book you've ever read is just a combination of those 26 letters.

Reading is a journey.

It can take you somewhere else, and teach you things.

You have experiences without leaving your house. That's not magic, that's an adventure.

Magic is a miracle, it's something spontaneous that happens.

Reading is something scientific, that is close to people's hearts. They aren't the same thing, they are beautiful things of their own design.

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