Chapter 2 Then Come The Gamers

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-Brenna's POV-

"SHE LOOKS SO PERFECT STANDING THERE" My iPhone alarm blasted. Today I had decided that since today Adams friends are moving in I could look decent. I hopped out of bed and took a shower, washed my hair, and brushed my teeth. Then I changed into my favorite faded light blue high wasted shorts and a sleeveless crop top. I felt pretty satisfied with myself. I started putting on some daytime makeup when suddenly-

" BRENNAAAAAAAAAAAA!! BREAKFAST IS READDYYYYYYY!" My doofus brother Adam called. He can be annoying, but there are times when you gotta love him.

" GIMMEH FIVE MINS!" I shouted back.

" BRENNAA IMMA EAT YO PANCAKES" I heard Alesa randomly scream.

And with that I ran downstairs to see two new faces.

" So yeah anyways I had to leave him to make sure the videos get uploaded while I unpack.- Oh... Hey! " A cute blonde boy said. He looked about 19, and he had dark green and brown eyes, and his voice, sounded so raspy and sexy. ( Woah there Brenna! Its only chapter 2!!) " I'm Andrew, and you are.."

I guess I was in a trance because for what seemed like hours, but was probably only five mins, I stared at his eyes. I saw his lips move like me was talking to me. Adam had noticed me and he said " HELLOOOO EARTH TO BRENNAAAAAAAA!!"

" What? " I think he asked me my name... SPEAK BRENNA SPREAK! " Oh I'm Brenna! Adams sister and I'm Brenna!" Way to play it cool Bren.

" Um what about me?!? " Another boy said. He had an accent, it took me a second to figure out the accent, it was Brittish. He had brown/black hair and sparkling bluegreen eyes. " I'm Jordan, nice to meet you Brenna."

" AHEM. Um, Jordan, Andrew.. Can I talk to you guys outside PLEASE?!" Adam said sternley.

Adam had always been overprotective, but I don't think he was talking to them about me... Right?

After I had my breakfast I went into the garage. I could hear them talking.

" What'd you wanna talk about Adam?" Andrew had said.

" Listen, You guys are two of my very good friends, and since my sister is living with us I'm gonna have to lay down some ground rules. Absolutely NO FLIRTING whatsoever with Brenna. She's been hurt enough these past years. Is that clear? "


What did Adam mean, when he said, "Shes been hurt enough these past years?" I know me and Adam had ran away when I was 14, but I had never known why.



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