A peaceful life.

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Soooo....it all started when me, Kenta, Ash, and Ryo were in the car. Oh! Let me describe how they look. Let me start with....Ryo! He has brown skin and hair. He wears a white tank top always. He never takes it off! He even told me that he wears it in the shower! He always wears blue jeans and he has brown eyes. Ash! He has a red and white Cap, black fluffy hair that's a little spiky, black eyes, tan skin, and he wears a top that's red and white and blue jeans. (Getting Pokémon vibes yet? :p). And Kenta! He has dark blue hair, dark blue eyes, he always wears a light blue tank top and a turquoise blue jacket, and always normal blue leggings. We were driving to our high school! When we pasted the Alleyway. "Ugh..." Ash said. Haru was waiting outside it for his next Victim! "Hey! Losers! See you at school!" He called as we passed. I can't stand that guy!! I'm petty sure his the Devil in disguise! We arrived at the school and we parked behind it in the parking lot. We walked to our lockers. "See you guys after school?" Ash said and closed his locker. "You bet ya!" Ryo said. We walked away from each other. I have to admit I have a peaceful life! And I know I will have a peaceful day too! Hey Yuki!" An annoying voice called. Just like that....my peaceful day is gone.....I blow my long brown hair out of my face and turned around. I put on a fake smile. "Yes...Haru...." Harue smirks and pushes into the wall. "Where's the lunch Money I wanted!" Like hell I was gonna give him my lunch money! "How about I give you the lunch Money when you shove a stick up your ass!" I said with a cocky smile. Some of the people in the hallway laugh. "You done it now 1Tsu wa, kanojo wa to omou!" Haru was about to hit me when a hand grabbed his. "That's enough Haru!" I looked at the boy and smiled. It was one of my friends Andrew. Haru sneered at me then walked away. Me and Andrew walked to class. "It's been awhile since someone called you that name huh?" I smile. "Yeah!" For those you don't speak Japanese....1Tsu wa, kanojo wa to omou translates to "One the thinks she God!" It was a nickname for my cocky personality and I Sometimes see myself as higher then other people. "So....How's everything?" I asks Andrew. "Good!" He says. We stop at my class room. "Well...see ya!" I said and walked in. After school me and my friends went to the park. We some some ice cream and sat on a bench. "Hey! Do you guys ever noticed that the life is more peaceful then it was when we were kids?" I look at Ryo. "A little...remember when people were killing each other? Or when they black people and white people were hated each other?" Ash asked. "It all stopped when Yuki came around!" Kenta said. I blush. I also felt like the world was hell and that people should be kinder to others but....it seems weird that things kinda calm down....you know? I mean! It's not like I did anything special! But...Kenta is right...ever since I was born...my dad had told me the world relaxed....I miss him.... my dad died from Heart Cancer. But enough of that. Back to our story! Ryo sighed. "Look at the sky...it's so blue today!" I looked at it and smiled. Kenta looked at me. "Yuki?" He said my name. I averted my eyes into his direction. Kenta hesitates and bits he's lips. It's a thing that my friends do when they are about to ask me something important. "Umm...well...do you....ever wonder....if....there's a God up there?" Ryo and Ash stay quiet. I sigh. "Sometimes...." I said softly. Kenta has always wonder about God and if he's real or not...I pity him....he's mother was in abusive relationship with a man when he was four...from what he told me...he's mother called 911 one day and they came to get the father but....Kenta was Traumatized from it! When we slept over he always had nightmares! We tried to comfort him the best we could....it wasn't enough though.....every night he prayed to God to help him but he never did. I put an arm around him and smile. "I'm sure God is to busy with other stuff right now!" Kenta nods. "You're probably right Yuki..." I sigh again. God...where are you...Kenta needs your help...a  wind blew in my hair and I smile. I get it...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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