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"He just can't, that's why!" Niamh continued her rant. "Flaunting the law like this is dangerous to all of us!" Niamh paced around the fire, emphasising her point by sweeping her hands to include all of them as they sat listening.

Nick shivered despite the warm flames. He was wrapped in his blankets, his wet clothes drying on a makeshift rack to his left. They had found a stream near the road, north east of the Champions Hills, where he had tried to wash the mud off his hands, face and attire, as best he could.

Alex had jumped straight in, clothes and all, and now stood turning slowly in front of the blaze, still dripping. The odd boy had ignored all suggestion that taking them off would speed up the process. It was him that Niamh was speaking about. She spoke of the Petrosian law prohibiting any Celti from carrying a sword. "I won't be flaunting the law, it just doesn't apply to me!" Niamh threw her hands up in exasperation at Alex's continued refusal to listen to reason.

They had been arguing for nearly an hour, Nick was relieved that both Alex and Niamh were calmer than they had been. Niamh had started the debate by demanding that Alex give up the Champions Blade. Alex had exploded that it was his, he had earned it, then challenged her to try and take it from him. Niamh then retorted that Petrosian soldiers would have no trouble disarming him, right before they were all hung. Alex had then gone on a rant about how he was not Celti, and the law didn't apply to him.

"ENOUGH!" Connor's voice, while not a shout, was loud enough to shake the two arguers to their seats. "Alex has the right to carry the blade, of that there is no question." Niamh looked ready to boil over again, while the dark-haired boy looked smug.

"But Niamh is correct in pointing out the danger." Some of the smugness faded. "While none here doubt that you are fully Petrosian Alex, many a bored guard has been known to jump to conclusions that gives them an excuse to draw their weapons. Given ANY kind of reason and they will stab first, ask questions later." His smile had gone completely now, his head was lowered and his lips pouting. Niamh did not smile, but triumph was evident in her eyes.

"We will compromise. Christopher, will you do Alex a favour?" "Of course Elder, name it." "Will you carry the Champions Blade whenever we are in view of anyone not of this group?" Chris looked at Alex when he replied "Of course Elder." "Alex. When we are not in view of the public, you may handle the sword." Alex did not look up, but nodded, accepting the terms.

Nick wondered why Connor had taken so long to speak. If he had spoken his few words earlier, he would have solved the problem nearly an hour ago. Instead the Elder had sat and listened to both of them, until they were just talking in circles, repeating the same arguments.

"Tomorrow we must cross the Hamley river, we will do so at Norack's Bridge." Chris perked up at Connors news. "The road around the swamp is long, we will see the city long before we approach it. Once we enter that place, we must all be on our guard. There are pickpockets, thieves and muggers aplenty. The Petrosian garrison there are particularly swift to dispense justice. Do not expect a welcome as with other towns and villages. Cities are the dwellings of people who care little for customs. They are either too wealthy to notice or too poor to care. We must be careful, and speed through before nightfall." Connor then gave them all a look as if to say 'why are you still awake?' Nick took the hint and prepared his bedding.

He was surprised when Niamh did not leave the group for a campsite of her own, she looked exhausted as she unrolled her blankets near Connor and crawled straight in. He watched Chris tend his horse through heavy lids, heard Connors snores begin to rumble and watched Alex continue to turn at the fire before sleep finally took him.


Alex waited until he certain everyone was asleep. When their snores mingled together Alex took up the sword again, turning it over to watch the blade catch the firelight. Alex had never understood the fascination with 'quality steel' as Will and Charlie always put it. Now understanding dawned. Despite there being no padding on the grip, the hilt was comfortable to hold.

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