Chapter 1: Suffering&Enjoyment

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They say she cut herself, others say she hung herself, also they said she went on a suicidal mission. The last one was crazy, I mean she wouldn't be out there killing someone y de paso killing herself, I knew her well enough to know she wouldn't go that far as to killing someone. In the end, only I knew she cut. She cut daily. Daily, until one day she cut too deep. So deep, that when finally someone came to her rescue, she was past dead, although I don't think there's anything past dead.

Earlier that night, or should I say morning, Royce got a call that he would need to report to New York now. His business. Business I could care less about at the moment. And of course he would leave me in a time like this but I did not want to be the selfish person. After all, Royce had a career he had to maintain while I, on the other hand, was barely starting mine and I could decide to quit at any moment. It was 4 AM and I was still there, crying. Just a couple more interviews. I know I can get through this day, I've been through worse.

"Come on Luz, get your shit together" I whispered to myself. So, I got out of bed and slowly made my way to the shower, bringing my clothes in with me. Leggings with a red oversized sweater along with black Converse is my outfit for today. I hopped in the shower and quickly got out. I let out all my tears in the shower so I wouldn't let out any during the interviews. Don't want people getting into my business, at least not yet. I wasn't ready. Wouldn't be able to handle myself. My hair was wet so I let it air dry while I dressed. When I was done, I blow dried it and curled it. I was debating whether or not to wear a beanie but in the end I put it on. Wasn't bad at all. I added some small earrings and a bracelet that had my name on it.

It was 7 by the time I decided to come out of my room so I walked into the kitchen only to be surprised with a vase full of a dozen red roses.

"Royce left them for you" Carlito said, leaning on the wall.

"Did he now?" I asked, admiring the roses.

"Affirmative Miss Rojas" Carlito smirked and then came to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"I'm Miss Rojas now?"

"I'm sure you will be" he answered. But it was the way he answered it, The way he walked, the way his facial expression went from one to the other in seconds, the way he acted after the fact that the words were already out of his mouth; all of that indicated he still had feelings for me. And not those friendly feelings. No, the love feelings. He still had a little crush on me. Which made me have a mini mental breakdown.

"Right. So where's Ana?"

"She went out earlier. Who knows where" Carlito smirked yet again but that smirk you make when you're like not sober. Not thinking clearly about your current and future actions.

"Oookay..." I went over to smell the roses and they smelled absolutely amazing.

"Love them" I whispered to myself.

"So whatchu doing today?" Carlito asked.

"Interviews, packing, sleeping, if I can fit that into my schedule, and I think that's about it" I nodded.

"Nice" Carlito drank straight from the milk gallon. This guy was drunk as fuck.

"Yea I guess" I slowly started making my way to my room.

"Where are you going?" Carlito asked.

"My room" I could hear his footsteps right behind me.

"Why? You gonna leave me lonely" he was getting closer and closer and I walked faster. I reached my room and slammed the door in his face.

"Carlito what are you doing?" I asked once I was safely inside my room.

"Come out Luz" his voice was taunting and soon he started knocking.

"Carlito leave me alone" my voice was barely above a whisper.

"Not until you come out and ttttaaaallllkkkkk" the word slurred too much. Creepy and annoying. Carlito was still young. Still had a future ahead of him. I didn't understand why he would do this now.

"I've been through so much Carlito. Don't you think its time for me to take a break from all this bullshit? All the crap that's been happening to me? Why can't you give me a BIT of compassion?! That's the least I should get from you" I wasn't about to cry. I was more like angry. Angry that the world couldn't leave me alone after everything that's happened. Angry with people who couldn't make up their minds whether to stay in my life or not. Plain out, angry at humans in general.

Everything stayed quiet on the other end. I got on all fours and took a peek out of the crack at the bottom of the door. Carlito was man crying, as I called it. Was it a trick of his? Should I take the risk and come out?

"Listen Luz, you're probably wondering if I'm like making myself cry so you can come out but honestly no. I'm sorry Luz. I'm sorry for being this way and I'm sorry for all the shit you've been through. I'm sorry won't fix anything but... but..." Now that tone of voice was sober Carlito.

I opened the door just a crack and there he was, sitting with his back leaning on the wall.


Geoffrey, you should feel bad. All this will come back to you some way or another. Luz will find out and everything will be over. There will go about four years of a friendship. Four years spend with one of the most understanding, selfless, amazing human beings. Four years to waste. I always torture myself with time. Four years this, four years that, I should really ignore the fact that I've know Luz for a while. She's just an amazing person.

Ana and I have gotten close. As I was gift shopping for Luz and getting everything ready for her party, I requested Ana's help so everything would go smoothly. It was on one of those little trip together that Ana worked her little women magic. She was an attractive women. Almost a mans dream come true but of course Luz was my dream come true. Obviously not since I was here in bed with her best friend, almost sister while Luz thought I was off in New York. I will be in about an hour.

"Shouldn't you get going?" Ana asked. She was wrapped under the same sheets I was. Her bare body touching mine. The same body I touched and kissed and made mine over and over again.

"Not yet. My ride isn't here in another hour or so"

"Sounds nice" Ana said before her lips where on mine.

Half of me enjoyed all this, half of me felt bad for doing this to Luz but the enjoyment part overweighed the part that felt bad.


Ooooooooo chingada madres *monkey covering mouth emoji* Royce needs to get his ass beat, lil cueroito I see *eye emoji* ni pedo, Luz will find out in some form and will... Ooo let's not go there yet. But we're already starting off on the bad foot *tsk tsk tsk*

Yes I know I was supposed to update yesterday but I didn't have the chapter written earlier lol I'm sorry guyssssss.

I love you all COMMENT&VOTE.

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