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Here is the thing, I am not sure how it all began. It could have being that day when I accidentally broke my parents most important rule. It could have began when my cousin somehow almost crushed my shoulder (something that I still have no clue how he done and something he wont tell me). Or it could have being when I first saw Him (which truthfully, I think had all began there).  

I remember when I was young, probably five or maybe even younger. At the time, my family was at the beach. It was sometime during summer. I don't really remember when, but it was warm. Too warm, in fact. Something, I did not particularly liked at that time. 

I had wanted to go and swim at the ocean. It had looked so mysterious, interesting. So captivating. I had tried to ask my parents if I could go closer, but they were discussing something. It must have being something important because they had only spared me a glance, before telling me to play in the sand and going back to what they were talking before my interruption. At that, the place where my heart was, it started to ache. I had wondered why. 

Pouting slightly, I turned and looked for something interesting. It was at that time that I first saw him. He stood tall and proud just out of reach of the waves, reminding me of someone of high class, like a Lord. His light colored hair, looking light blue whenever the sun shone at just right angle, were wavy and reaching slightly past his shoulders. However, what really grabbed my attention, was the fact that the man had water dancing around his fingers! 

Suddenly, the man turned towards me. His strange, but beautiful sea green eyes, that seemed to change color the longer I started, pierced into mine. We started at each other. Finally, I could not take it any longer and shyly lowered my head, thus breaking our staring contest. As I lowered my head, I saw the man smile at me and his eyes seemed to say: Come, little one and say what you want. 

Shaking my head, I turning my head toward my mom, who stood not very far from me. From the corner my my eye, I noticed that the man had turned and was looking at the ocean. The water was still above his hand, making different shapes. 

"Mom," I called out. When my mother finally looked at me, I continued. "How does he do that?" I pointed toward direction of the man, but to my surprise and disappointment, the man was gone. I felt tears gathering at the corners of my eyes.  

"Who are you talking about, Leo?" My mom's beautiful voice pierced through my thought.

"But he was there just a moment ago! Where did he go?" I turned fully towards my mom, tears finally sliding down my cheeks. 

"There is no one there, Leo. You must have imagined it. Now can you wait a little longer, I will finishing talking with your dad and we can go swim all together. Is that alright?" 

I just nodded because I did not trust my voice and because I could not refuse my mom whenever she smiled and looked at me so gently. Walking slightly away from my parents, I sat down on the sand, looking at what was a calm ocean just a minute ago. 

I felt the wind rise. I didn't really care that. Actually, I liked it. 

The wind started to play gently with my hair, and I felt as if was comforting me. When the wind started to settle down, I heard someone with gentle voice say: Don't cry, little boy. You will see him one day. After all, you don't belong here. 

It was probably my imagination. After all, you cannot hear the wind speak, at least that was what my parents had told me after I told them. 

Later, much later, I would realize that it was not my imagination. That I truly did see the man and that I heard that voice. 


Who ever is reading this, thank you so much!

If you have any questions, ask away. I would be happy to answer them. 

Till next chapter. 

-Leo Vale and the Lost Kingdom-Where stories live. Discover now