Chapter 1

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The started as any other day, boring; the sun was rising and I was already awake. I sat up in my bed and stretched out my arms. I didn't like the idea of walking to school, but I knew I would have to do it anyways. Things have been a lot different since my dad died. I wasn't really prepared to handle the fact that I had to get a job and go to school in the same day. It's been a harder for my mom since she has to stay home and take care of me and work at the same time. I was 16 going on 17 and was excited because I only had one more week till my birthday. The girls and I were thinking of hanging out at the mall that day before the party and do a little birthday shopping that was the day that changed my life.

A week had finally passed and it was my birthday, I couldn't wait for school to end. 8 hours felt like a life time as I watched the clock. My classes were so boring that I just slept through most of them. When the bell finally rung for lunch I met up with my friends Amber who is a girl with bright red hair and not a single freckle on her face and Ashley who is the prettiest blonde I have ever seen. We walked outside to the tables where most of the other students eat their lunch. As we were eating I began to space out not realizing that Amber was calling my name. "Alice...Alice!" I hear amber say. I snap out of my day dream and look at Amber. She smirks and says, "You are just too focused on today. Look alive, Justin's coming. She frowns as Justin the quarterback for the high school's football team and a complete jock comes walking my way. He sits down beside me and stares at me with his big brown eyes, I slide the other way. He finally smiles and says, "Hey Alice I have a great idea that you're gonna love." I roll my eyes and ask, "What's that" He chuckles and says, "I'm gonna take you out to dinner with me for your birthday it'll be great." He tries to put his arm around my shoulder and run his fingers through my long brown hair. I quickly get myself out of his grip and say, "No thanks." His smile soon turns to a disappointed frown. He tries to hug me again, I yell at him saying, "Get off of me you prick!" and shove him to the ground. He hits a large puddle and gets covered in mud. His disappointed frown now turns to a pissed off growl. He stands up and points his finger in my face and says you'll regret this you fatherless bitch. Those words hit my heart like an arrow and I fall to the ground in tears. Ashley becomes angry and pulls out her lacrosse stick for practice and swings it hitting Justin square in the face knocking him unconscious. I look back up and smile at Ashley with a devilish smile. She flashes the same smile back. After lunch we are called down to the office and are asked about what happened at lunch. Ashley explains that Justin was sexually harassing me and Ashley was just defending. Once we were allowed to leave we make it back to class just in time.

When school was over I went back home to grab my things for work. I found my mom lying at the table asleep, but she was sleeping differently. I then noticed the large empty bottle of wine and realized that she was drunk. Mom had become an alcoholic after Dad had died it seemed to her it was the only thing that helped keep away the pain, somehow I wasn't enough. She had told me that I look too much like my father and it brings back the pain. I walked over and woke her up then helped her to bed. After that I grabbed my work clothes and started my way to work.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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