Love knows no bounds chapter 1

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I sat outside his front lawn, waiting almost as patient as I can be. Laying down on the uncut grass, my eyelids drooped shut and I slowly let myself fall deep into a sea of flashbacks.

It's always been me and him.

Damien and Isabella.

We've been together since the first day we met back in kindergarten which was almost seven years ago.

I met Damien under the jungle gym, where every long term friendships seemed to start.

I was the awkward shy little girl and being an only child who had no interaction with other kids whatsoever, my first day in kindergarten wasn't great at all.

At first I missed my mom, a lot.

Who didn't but I was a different case, a big blubbering baby is what the kids all called me especially when I peed my pants.

Damien however was the exact opposite.

I still remember the day, his dark hair was pulled up in spikes and he had a big cheesy smile on his face that reminded me of the grinning cat in that Alice in wonderland movie.

He walked around the classroom like it was the best day in the world.

And when we went outside to play, Damien ran straight up to the big green jungle gym that sat on the side of the playground where he found me huddled right behind it.

And that was how we met.

Now years later, both of us half way through the seventh grade our friendship has not once wavered.

"You're sleeping on my front lawn again?" A familiar voice cried with a squeak at the end, he's always been getting these weird squeaks as he awkwardly pushes his way through puberty.

I shuddered at the thought of puberty, that word should be abolished.

For us twelve year old's it's a rather awkward taboo subject.

I opened my eyes to find Damien crouching over me, blocking the ray of lights that had hit my face. He smiled a little and caught my hand in his slightly larger and much warmer one.

Pulling me up to my knees he sat beside me. His eyes, the colour of a dark stormy night, met mine and soon enough I was greeted by his cheery sloppy grins.

"Wanna play ball?" He asked as he picked up the small baseball that was almost hidden under the tall shoots of grass.

"We don't have a bat." I laughed as he pulled me up.

"We don't need one, we'll just improvise." He chuckled giving me his infamous cheeky smirk that always tells you he's one step ahead of the game.

"Whatever you say tubby." I laughed as I patted his stomach which earned a frown from him.

"I am NOT tubby." He huffed with a pout. "I have a six pack."

"Yeah of yoghurt cups."

"I'll have you know, I went to the gym last week." He smirked proudly. "When have you been to the gym training bra?"

"Quit calling me that." I shoved at his arm but he didn't budge as his pudgy weight supported him. "Most twelve year old's do wear training bra's, I don't know why I'm the only one singled out by you."

"Because training bra, you're the only one in the whole grade that wears a size triple A." He barks out a laugh as he takes in my shocked features with my mouth hanging wide open and my brows nearly reaching my hairline.

"C'mon freakzilla don't just stand there, let's play some ball." He cheers as he throws the ball in the air and catches it again in his hands.

"Freakzilla." I call out with a screech. "Oh yeah well you're Lord Snooty of Snootsville." I shot back with a smug smirk that played across my lips.






"Shit face!"


"Uh..." I stammered trying to think of a comeback as my face heated up in the process. "Shut up Damien let's just play ball already." I pushed passed him and grabbed the stupid ball from his hands and flung the ball as farthest I can throw.

Laughing to myself at the distance that Damien now had to walk to retrieve the ball, I sat back and watched him walk all the way to where the ball was right in the middle of the road.

"WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY DAMIEN!" I screamed over at him, motioning to my wrist.

However Damien didn't hear me as a loud sound of a heavy horn blaring shook us both awake. I jumped up onto my feet as I watched a giant truck head towards where Damien was standing at an unnaturally fast speed.

My stomach dropped as if someone had blasted a bullet through it; I watched the scene unfold in frozen horror. I tried to open my mouth to scream as the truck passed by the spot where Damien was just moments before but words buzzed by, my mind only focusing on one thing alone.

"Damien!" I chocked out trying to find my voice in the midst of it all.

The truck stopped and crashed against the side of a tree, knocking the heavy oak down with a thump but the small movement was enough to jerk me awake. Forgetting the cries around me as neighbours all stumbled out of their homes, I jolted forward, my feet fast against the slippery surface of the road.

My mind was racing just as fast as the beating of my heart, not being able to process the imagery of the splattered blood, the broken limbs and his deep gray eyes silently beckoning me closer.

I scrambled closer to him as I noticed his chest heaved with uneven short intakes of breath. Blood matted his dark hair and his leg was bent in a inhuman way. The baseball in his hand slowly rolled away leaving behind a soft trail of blood.

Slowly his lips cracked open and he breathed out. "I will always be there Isa--" The sentence was never finished, I watched in unimaginable horror as soon his body went limp in my arms and vision blackened as more bodies rushed around us, the sound of his mothers cry accentuated the air and the smell of his blood filled up my nostrils that made me feel more woozy than before.

I rested my head against his bloody chest as the paramedics rushed around us. Trying to somehow keep the love inside his heart alive.

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