Chapter Two

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I trudged up to my apartment and fumbled with my keys. I dropped them swearing under my breath. I couldn't figure it out why I was never able to keep hold of my keys at the end of the night.
I had went to college and worked a double shift at work. It was currently 2:00AM. I couldnt think straight. I felt dizzy and extreamly cold. I dropped my key again. After I stood up I felt someone behind me. I turned around and jumped at the one and only Honey eyes.
"Oh it's just you" I replied breathing heavily
"I'm sorry did I scare you?" He asked
"Yeah, kinda two o'clock in the morning, I'm trying to get into my apartmemt and you sneak up behind me all ninja like"
He chuckled "I'm not a ninja, I'm an FBI agent, in reality you should feel safer with me in the building"
I cocked an eyebrow "you live here"
"Yeah I have for a really long time I live on the fourth floor."
I nodded
"Well, good to know" I replied unsure of what to say.
We stood in awkward tension. I fiddled with my keys.
"Do you uhm want some tea or coffee agent?" I asked
He shook his head "I actually came by to return this to you, you left it at the cafè when you ran off" he paused "Morgan actually found it but you wrote 'if lost please return' and he knew my adress so he thought it-" he paused "sorry I'm rambling"
"No its okay its calming" i replied
He looked at me "you think my senseless rambling is calming? Do you have anxiety?"
I nodded "diagnosed with it when I was ten, I don't like crowds or large parties"
He nodded.
"Well if thats all agent, I should get to bed, I have to be up early tomarrow and I-"
"You have insomnia, don't you?" he said looking down at me
"Stop profiling me!" I half whined
"Thats another thing how did you know I was a profiler"
"Derek said he was part of the BAU, and you were his colleague so-"
"No before that when I ran into on the subway you said ' are you profiling me' wich I wasn't trying to it's more so of my common instinct and I don't realize I'm doing it until its far too late and I'm rambling again" he said
"Look Agent, you're sweet and all but I really need my bed and my books" I replied "goodnight"
"Goodnight" he replied as I shut the door to my apartment.

I set my keys down and walked into the kitchen. I pulled my favorite mug from the sink drainer and got out the caramel peppermint tea, fixing myself a cup. My phone stated ringing

"Hello?" I said tired straining my voice
"Hey hey hey" Cassandra's happy voice rang in my ear.
"Whats up?" I asked
"I know it's late and I'm sorry, but I really need help on this assignment, I'm not understading the notes from today even though I wrote them the way you told me to, i even used multi-colored pens"
"Alright" i sipped my tea "what's it over "
"Life saver" she chirpped
"Only for you doll face" I joked
"Have I, Cassandra Loren Deandez won the heart of Dylan Brooks?"
"Can you stop saying my full name? Just call me Dyl or Brooks like you always do" I asked
"it's funny, and you have a pretty name"
I rolled my eyes "if you say so"
We spoke for a while and I surprisingly fell asleep for about an hour. But when I did get up, She had hung up the call and left a text

Cass 👾: U fell asleep 😴 so I hung up! See Ya tomorrow I'll bring donuts 🍩

I smiled at her. She loved emojis and said I was boring for not using them it didn't bother me.

I got up and made my way into the Bathroom. I sighed looking at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess and I was cold. I turned on the hot water. My pipes roared to life and soon steam filled the room. I sat in the bath for a couple hours.

Spencer's POV:

She shut the door behind her. I sighed before going up to my own place. I took in a deep breath. Why did she call me sweet? I shrugged it off going into my kitchen and preparing the coffee. I flipped on my stero as classical music filled the air, I sat down with a book and began to read.

I didnt realize it was morning until I was waking up. My phone was buzzing.
"Dr spencer Reid speaking"
"Hello lovely, meeting at the round table, theres been another one"
"Be there soon" I replied jumping up to get dressed.

I made my way to the subway and found myself glancing around for the girl. I didn't see her so I simply put my head back in a book.

I walked into the BAU. I sat at the table with the rest of the team.
"Dang Spence, you look rough" Morgan said "what happend?"
"I didnt sleep well" I replied.
"Something happen?" JJ asked.
"That girl, something felt off when she was talking to me" I replied replaying the night before in my head.
"Maybe becuase she was actually talking to you" Morgan said making the team laugh. Hotch walked in and we all fell silent
"Garica, what do we have"
"Well, my loves, we won't have to go far from home for work becuase these string of misfortunes are here, more specifically our first girl still known as a Jane Doe was found a year ago it was ruled out of being a murder becuase she was found in an burned abandoned building, then a year later the remains of Betty Knocks was found brutally mutilated on the side of the road just outside of South bridge"
"Alright, but these dont look related, the girls have nothing in common, why are we being called in now?" Morgan asks.
"Right. Thought you'd never ask sweets, so at a closer look the Jane Doe was found with a brand of a flower under her arm, and Betty had the same imprint on the back of her neck"
"What's intersting about all of this is that flower looks like a lily, lilies are most commonly used at funerals, white lilies are mainly used to signify the innocence that is being restored to the lost soul" I spat out shifting in my seat
"Thank you for that Reid" Rossi said "But how do we even know this is the same unsub?"
"Right, well about three months ago a Deborah Lee was reported missing from her home here in Quantico and two days ago a group of boys playing basketball found her wrapped in garbage under a bridge" Garcia finished taking a breath.
"Where was the flower?"
"On the palm of her hand"
The team nodded
"We don't have much to go on" Prentiss replied looking confused
"Well we can at least see if there's anything we can do, Prentiss, Rossi you go to the most recent crime scene, Reid and Morgan you head down to the morgue and look at the bodies JJ- You and I are going to question the families of the two previouse victims. Garcia see if you can find anything on our Jane Doe"
We nodded and took off.

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