children of the mill

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As i walked through the old forbidden forest parents would tell us about as kids, i relived the dreaded tales that haunted my mind all these years. The stories were ones of an old abandoned mill by a lake plagued by spirits of children who were drowned.

I had been walking for hours, after 2 hours worth of walking i had started hearing cracking branches, strange animalistic sounds and what seemed to be childlike giggles, but perhaps it was just my paranoid mind playing tricks on me.

But as of now, i had been walking for at least 4 hours, my legs sore and stiff from not taking a break, i had been hearing more and more strange sounds, i felt as if i could hear an extra set of footprints behind me.

Strange figure lurked within the corners of my vision, maybe the tales of the forest were true, maybe there really was children of the mill.

Just as i was about to give up, i spotted a small child standing under a tree.

"Hello?" i called for them. The child did not respond but instead began to giggle and runoff, being the fool i was i chased after them, little did i know that i would soon regret it later.

After what seemed like minutes upon minutes of running i had come to a stop, the child nowhere in sight, i leaned down and put my hands on my knees, my breaths ragged and heavy, perhaps i should have turned back and headed home.

Looking up from the ground my eyes widened, the thing i had dreaded all my life stood before me, the abandoned mill.

I took a step back in disbelief then turned and started running, but before i knew it i had turned a corner and once again was staring at the mill, was there no way to leave, or was i just running in circles, lost.

I stared at the mill, there was a lake by it just as the stories foretold, the water murky and grotesque perhaps children really were killed here.

I took a step towards the lake and picked up a stick, i then threw the stick into the lake, the stick went under the water for a moment before floating. Not taking heed to it i turned and headed for the mill.

But little did i know, a hand water rotted hand reached up and grabbed the stick dragging it down to the bottom on the lake.

After eventually finding the front door of the old mill, i tried to open the door, it was locked. Of course, why wouldn't it be? The place has been abandoned for years.

I set off to find another entrance, but before i even made it to the steps the door creaked open, chills went down my spine and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, the door was locked.. I swear it was.

Perhaps it was just another hallucination.

I turned around and stared at the now open door, a cold breeze coming out from the entrance, every fiber of my being told me not to go inside but i just dismissed it and headed in, the place was covered in dust and webs, the air smelled of dead animals and rotting wood, the floor felt like it would cave in at any given moment.

If i was not such a fool back then i would have turned and left while i still had my chance, but alas i did not.

As i continued to walk further away from the door I heard the familiar creaking sound, which was then followed by the dreaded click of a door shutting and locking.

I spun around as my stomach dropped, the door was now closed and by the sounds of it, locked too.

Bile began to rise up in my throat but i had to much pride in myself to allow myself to spew.

So instead i turned back and examined my surroundings, the old furniture was covered in webs, the fabrics molding and rotting away, along with the floor.

I was still seeing figures in the corner of my eyes, the sounds of giggling children began to be audible again, i pulled up my small camera and began to take photo's, this way people believed me when i tell them of my new adventure.

I slowly began to take photos of each room. The giggling getting louder, the smell of rotting flesh getting more potent and my mind getting more filled with dread.

As i began to make my way to the kitchen, i began to hear footsteps behind me.

Was i being followed? I thought i was the only person within the mill.

The sound of metal scraping against the wall was beginning to enter my ears.

The giggles quieted down.

Sudden a cold breath hit my ear and my eyes widened as what seemed like hundreds of children whispering at once could be heard.

"She's coming"

My heart began to race, who was she? What was she? Should i run?

Without a word i ran into the kitchen, the instant regret hit me as the smell of rotten flesh began so strong it knocked me back, i looked for a place to hide, i could taste nothing but bile in my throat. I opened the fridge and was met with rotting and molded flesh of what seemed like a child's torso, i couldn't stop myself. Bile filled my mouth and i began to vomit, the sound the scraping metal getting louder.

I wiped my mouth and closed the fridge.

I spotted and cupboard and quickly climbed in closing the door as much as i could.

I held my breath as footsteps entered the kitchen.

My head began to spin slightly as i got sick from the smell of rotting flesh.

I slowly pulled my knees to my chest and prayed i didn't get found. I took a small breath then went to move, but before i did the footsteps grew closer, the sound of scraping metal now against the floor made me cringe.

I looked through the small crack between the door, bile once again rising up my throat as i spotted the one causing the noise.

An average height lady was walking past, but that's not what made me fear her.

Her hair was mattered and wet, her fingers pruned and spotted with black rotten flesh, her skin peeling i places and her left eye hanging from her eye socket.

In her left hand was a long shovel that was half broken at the end, it was basically like a blade with an extended handle.

The stories had mentioned a woman who tortured and drowned her own kids before slicing them up and feeding them to her husband in the form of pies.

But the had not mentioned she had turned into such a creature over the years, although rumor had it her husband drowned her and killed himself after sinking her into the lake and then she haunted this place and trapped and killed any lost kids that were unlucky enough too end up in this place.

I moved as far back into the cupboard as possible, my heart beating out of my chest.

I watched as the lady, no the creature left the room.

I waited at least 15 minutes before relaxing and leaning back. My eyes closing for a moment, she didn't find me, thank god.

But just before i went to open the door, i heard a sentence i will never unhear again.

"I. found. You"

Before i could react i saw the door swing open and i was met with the most terrifying face i had ever seen. Her eye out of her head just hanging there, her teeth tearing through her rotten cheeks and her nose half hanging off.

She dragged me out making me drop my camera, the flash going off as it began to take photos of my demise.

I could feel every moment of it, every piece of flesh she ripped off slowly, every limb she snapped and hacked off, the sound of my screams and the taste of blood filled bile.

My last moments were not pleasant ones.

And now i am left here, here to relive my death. Here to stay.

Here to be one with the children of the mill.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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