The State of A PJO Reboot

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aka. the admin's unpopular opinion on a pjo show.

It's common knowledge in fandom that Netflix is the dream home for Percy and company.

I might be the only one saying, that might not happen. In the last part, I briefly told you that Disney is buying Fox, the studio that owns the film rights to the Riordanverse. Rick has tweeted recently a link with ideas for a hypothetical reboot.

ANNND I am on board with an adaptation of the series, it's just where the series should be streamed at is where it clashes.

Disney has announced that they are in the process of creating a new streaming service called Disney+, it will be released late next year and they have already confirmed a list of shows that will be originals (i.e.: limited series around loki and scarlet witch and a star wars tv show) 

They have recently acquired 20th Century Fox and all the intellectual properties under them which once the merger is fully processed, Percy Jackson and his world on the silver screen, will be a Disney property. Thus, I believe that if we are going to see a reboot, it's going to be on Disney+ and not on Netflix. 

Which, if i'm going to be honest, I'm hyped about it. Then again, I might be the only one wanting to queue the loki show for the 800th time after seeing the PJO reboot for the nth time. 

SO, do you still want to see it on netflix? if not, are you willing to see it on Disney+? and would you binge the loki series after binging the PJO reboot??? let's discuss!

Thanks for reading! I hope this explains a lot of what's going on and if you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comment section! 

In Demigodishness and all that,


P.S. it might be 3 am rn sooo yall better leave something!

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