Empty words (erisol)

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Chapter one

It was late and already dark outside.

"You should've seen him"

Most people went to sleep by now.

"He was amazing!"

He groaned in annoyance, "AA.."

She ignored his lack of interest and continued talking in excitement, "kept rushing past the others..he was so fast!"

"Aradia! Will you ever stop talking about him?"

She stared at him in confusion, "what's the problem?"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired of Equius here Equius there."

They were quiet for a moment. You could barely see anything in the dark. Just a few lights of laterns, some apartments and the car they were in. Aradia rested her head on her hand and looked outside the window.

"You know, I kinda miss the times when we were little, when things were just fine. We had lots of fun."

He hardened his grip on the steering wheel, remembering the old times. They'd always go out and play in the woods, having fun, searching for dead bodies, corpses, when he started to have a crush on her.

What's so great about Equius?

"Anyways, thanks for taking me home, Sollux."

"No thing." he murmured.

They didn't speak for a while until Aradia's phone vibrated. It was a text message and Aradia began to read it, smiling. She turned to Sollux.

"Could you drop me at Equius' by any chance?"

He just blankly stared at her, not saying anything.

Her smile fell, "What?"


His sight got a little blurry, causing a headache. He started widening his eyes, trying to get his vision back but failed.

"Are you alright?" she asked, starting to worry.

I will lose her..I will definitely lose her..

She'll be happy with some athlete.. with Equius.. that's just fantastic..

"You do take your medications, do you?"

Oh yea, there was that. Sollux was diagnosed with manic depression when he was about eight years old. He even used to hear voices after his mother died in the fire.

"Wh..yea sure." he lied.

"Sollux.." she could tell when he was lying.

He sighed, "Listen, I-" he said, but she interrupted him.

"No..no, it's fine." she said bluntly.

He really hated to take his medications. They made him become someone different. Someone he wasn't.

"I really didn't mean to-" he started, but got cut off again.

"You don't have to explain yourself, Sollux. Just keep your eyes on the road."

Great, now I just made her become mad at me. I gotta do something about it..

"Could you..could you just drop me over there? I think that's the best we can do right now.."

She went on but her words seemed to drift further and further away whilst the pressure grew in his head.

She already wants to leave.. I have to make her wanna stay..stay with me.. I don't wanna lose her..not yet..

He couldn't concentrate on what she was saying.

"Sollux?" she looked a little nervous.

He pinched the bridge of his nose.

Ugh, say something, stupid..

"Move up! I'll drive!" she said, trying to push him away and bringing Sollux back to reality.

"Aradia, stop! You're not making it any better just-"

"Leave it, Sollux!" she said in panic, still trying to take control over the car.

"Aradia..I don't f-"

For Sollux, everything went black and it didn't take long until he passed out.

"Sollux! Watch out!"



One year had passed since that accident and Sollux had finally decided to move on. Well, actually Feferi did, one of his best friends. She took care of him ever since Aradia's death. Sollux made himself responsible for it and wouldn't leave his apartment anymore. Not even his room.

The first step was moving out and leaving the past behind. He packed his things and made himself ready to go.

Ready to go and become Feferi's new roommate.

"Are you really sure I won't bother you, FF?" he was still unsure about the whole moving out thing.

"More than a hundred percent, silly. Ready?" she grinned.

With a sigh Sollux stood up and lifted his suitcases, "I'm ready when you are." he said, faking a smile.

"Alright," she opened the front door and waited for Sollux to walk out, "let's go."

Sollux walked past her towards the car. Just standing in front of it already gave him shivers. Feferi rested a hand on his shoulder and gave him a weak smile.

"Don't worry, I'll drive really careful."

With that he placed his suitcases in the trunk and settled down in the back seats, giving his apartment one last look.

He could feel his heart beating faster than usual and started to look nauseous.

Feferi sat down as well and put her seatbelt on, "It will be alright," she said in attempt to calm him down, watching him through the rearview mirror.

"It will be alright.."

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