To My Teddy

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Here I am

Pouring out my heart and soul

To my teddy

It's been so long

When was the last time I picked you up?

I'm sorry

Dearest Teddy

It's nearly midnight

And here I am

Pouring out my heart

To my teddy

He's never hurt me

No, Teddy never would

Never has

And never should

I don't want to go to sleep

Because then I'll dream

And dreams are the root and cause of all suffering

Not to mention

I could re-live my life

And I'd die of fright

Here I am

Pouring out my soul to my teddy

Teddy won't try and rationalize what he did

He just hugs me

Teddy has no motives

He only brings comfort to me

He stands by his printed peace signs

In an ever-changing world

Where you have to grow up

Where there's no Neverland to fly to

One where you have to know everything to survive

Teddy is there

When family isn't

Teddy is there

When I'm not

I feel ridiculous

And childish

And peaceful

At sixteen years old

And here I am

Clinging and crying on my teddy

Here I am

Shutting out the world

Just for a little while

With me

And my teddy

It'll only be me. . .

To My TeddyWhere stories live. Discover now