Video shoot

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Shi pov
So  I had just got up to take a shower but I didn't have to wake siah up because she already up so I got in the shower for 30 minutes and got out and put on a blue bra and panties seat and my outfit was a green and white sauce shit and my blue cut up jeans and my olive green Jordan just gotta wait till vassiah take my picture

Vassiah pov

I got out of the shower and just put on some cute which was a rainbow crop top and my yellow skrit overall  and my vans and I walked out side and waited till she locked the door and asked her
Can you take my picture I said
You know the route she said
ok I know I said so she took my picture and I took her picture so we got in shi car and drove to were out video shoot was gone be at so as we drove I just posted my picture


Liked my nba_youngboy,bbg_babyjoe, Quondo_rondo

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Liked my nba_youngboy,bbg_babyjoe, Quondo_rondo

@iamvassiah I'll take yo man💙

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@shiblowstacks Twinn💘
@nba_youngboy Tanka💚
@bbg_babyjoe im coming to yo shoot💙
So after I posted my picture I asked shi did she want me to post her picture and she was
like shit idk and I was like let me see yo phone and she gave it to me


Liked by iamvassiah, bbg_babyjoe,@mgng10x

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Liked by iamvassiah, bbg_babyjoe,@mgng10x

@shiblowstacks fuck you and the rest of your crew💙


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