Napkin Blanket

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I sit on the brown paper cloth, napkins surrounding me. Humans come and go but I just sit here by my lonesome. Eventually a guy of 40 years sits behind me and coughs. So many gross germs in this goddam restaurant. The man starts looking at me probably staring at his reflections on my silvery exterior. The waiter comes and I hear murmurs of him ordering the spinach lasagna with a glass of red wine. I start to wonder how I am going to be used today, the pain I must endure  for the happiness and survival of others. The days have become long and agonizing. Getting through it is hard but at the end of the day I get  to bathe in the hot, soapy water with the others of my kind all joined together. I come back to reality as I hear the food being brought to the table. The man picks me up and I am terrified, I dive into the rich spinish filled lasagna and linger in its warmth and I am ripped away to the dark hole that I see before me. I am finally out and free but the man brings me back in for another bite.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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