Finding A New Partner

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(After Eating They Leave The Cafe And Leave, But Krissy And Ash Decide To Take A Walk In The Woods Behind Clay's House)

Ash: So how long have you liked ground types ?

Krissy: ever since i was real small i was taken to clay's gym to watch a match and when i saw them ground types it was then, i would love ground types

Ash: cool

( after a while they hear a whimper and they run to the source of the noise and see a female eevee lying there )

Ash: it looks hurt

Krissy: we need to take it to a pokemon center !

( the eevee crawls over to a heal ball sticking out of ash's bag and taps it, gets sucked in and the ball shakes 3 times meaning a successful capture)

Ash: oh i forgot i had one in there

Krissy: -_-

(Ash picks up the heal ball and lets eevee out and it is fully healed)

Ash: *sees that the eevee's fur is a soft glowy white color * it's fur is glowing !

Krissy: well name it

Ash: how about bella ?

(The eevee nods and falls asleep on ash's shoulder)

Ash: this eevee will be my new parter

Krissy: mkay now let's go back

Ash: mkay

(They walk back and professor oak reveals that the eevee that ash had captured is a legendary eevee made by arceus and everyone is shocked and a little jealous but are glad that ash has a new partner)

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